Top Ten Reasons to Be Pro-Choice

I don't like abortion, and most likely won't have one unless it's for the baby's own good. But I still think it should be legal.
The Top Ten
1 A baby shouldn't come into this earth unwanted

Every heard of something called adoption? It is where babies are given to families who will love them and be able to take care of them. Parents should just adopt babies instead of killing them.

Can you imagine how damaging that could be? Knowing your parents wanted to get rid of you, but the law stopped them? That if you died that's what they wanted? Or be dropped off in an orphanage.

The baby could be adopted by a caring parent. Consider that choice before actually kills someone.

Well, then don't do the requirements to have a baby. Then this whole argument would be solved.

2 Women should be entitled to their body

Screw Abortion!

I ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. Ronald Reagan

It seems to me clear as daylight that abortion would be a crime. Gandhi

I do not believe the promises of the Declaration of Independence are just for the strong, the independent, the healthy. They are for everyone including unborn children. George W. Bush Even though he wasn't a good president.

It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish. Mother Teresa

If a women wants to get an abortion just because she doesn't like the weather, she should be allowed to get one.

Don't like cigarettes? Don't smoke them.
Don't like abortions? Don't get one.
Don't like sex? Don't do it.
Don't like alcohol? Don't drink.

Unless it hurts somebody, don't strip someone's rights.

I'm personally pro-choice for only the first trimester for any reason. After that, only if the mother's health is in the most extreme danger and that is it.

A baby should be entitled to its life.
Quoting Ronald Reagan
"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born."

3 If the pregnancy is the result of rape
4 Most women feel better afterwards

Actually, 90% of women who had abortions feel relieved. See, conservatives? Women KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING! An abortion is a big decision but statistics and commen sense show: most made the right decision. Making a law based on 10% is like saying,"this president had the most votes, but not every single citizen, didn't want him/her so we shouldn't elect either president."

"Most women feel better about KILLING A Human? That is very Inhumane. - ARandomPerson"
U no what's inhumane? Cruel & unusal punishment. Exactly what forcing a woman who didn't want to birth a child to do so just because 'she has a v & dared to have sex! '

Miscarriages are God killing the babies.
If the story of Noah is true then think of the babies and pregnancies in the flood.
You think abortion clinics are gas chambers

5 You can't trust someone who doesn't want a baby to take care of the baby well

"Haven't you guys ever heard of adoption or confidential adoption where the north parents don't get to know any information about the new parents. Also when a women gives birth, before she falls in love with the baby, she should just give it away instantly to a parent who's ready for it. No big deal! - JamiePrice"

No ones heard of that. Like no one hears about the children who are in need of a home right this second, but sexist men care more about a zoyate than a living person so woman are forced to put more children in the system & risk more being stuck in there their whole life.

Parents who didn't want children but were forced to have them are often not ready, and if they don't even want any kids they probably won't be able to provide it with it's emotional needs and may even be abusive.

I'm so sick of "There's ADOPTION!' Have you forgotten it takes 9 months more a less for pregnancy? In which puts a pause in everything, wrecks her body, gives pains, and you expect a girl to go through all that just for a baby she doesn't want & because she had sex? YOU guys are asses! Leave us woman alone! YOU are not the ones who have to birth children so shut up you don't & never will understand!

Then find someone else who will love and take care of the baby!

6 Sometimes women have abortions for the baby's own good.

What if the baby is going to be so brain damaged so badly he/she will be in so much pain and not be able to do anything? What if a teenager (13-16) got raped and can't take care of a child properly? What if the family is in a lot of financial trouble? I care about babies so I am pro-choice.

7 Making abortion illegal is treating women like children

If you can't trust a women, and her husband, and all her family members and close friends who are most likely adults or teenagers with adult's consent to make the right decisions in their life you are treating them like kids who need to be guided every step of the way.

"Wow, if the women didn't want the baby she shouldn't have had sex"
But let me guess, guys r a-ok to have sex because they can't get pregnant? S T F U U SEXIST JACK@$$!

8 It's better to feel pain once than throughout your whole life

"So your willing to kill a child because you MERELY THINK that he/she will have a bad life? Well at least it will have a life before you rip apart the baby and kill it. - ARandomPerson"
Let me guess, u r a normal kid who has loving parents & is in middle class, so u have no idea how bad life can be? I'm so glad for u. 1 thing for u to know is there's a difference between a zygote & a baby. Should we punish u for wasting sperm? Afterall, u r killing potential life or in your case, 'a baby'! How inhumane of u!

I address the fact fetus do feel pain during abortion, but I'd rather just die as a fetus than either:
1. Know my parents don't want me
2. Be retarded/special so badly I can't do crap with my life
3. Be in a bad financial situation
4. Be in an orphanage
Which will always affect me

Actually, the fetus can't feel pain if it's under 20 weeks old.

9 Our world is overpopulated. If abortion was legal worldwide then our world would be less crowded.

I am pro-choice and I honestly don't think that is necessarily true.

10 Property rights exceed the right to life

You're asleep in your bed. You wake up in the middle of the night, and there is a stranger laying next to you. You have two options. One, allow the stranger to lie in your bed uninvited, or two, kill the stranger, for invading your property. While neither option is a great option, I'm sure that most would choose to kill the stranger. You did not give him permission to be in your home, so, therefore, you have the right to protect your property. The same argument applies to abortion. If the woman does not give the fetus permission to reside within her womb, then the fetus is an intruder, who parasites upon the woman. In any civilized society, while both are important, property rights should always exceed the right to life. After all, would you want to be born into a world where no one owns anything, and you must, against your will, allow complete strangers, who may do you harm, to reside with you?

The Contenders
11 Pro-life is misogyny
12 Women could die
13 Not everyone believes in God
14 Pro-life is outdated
15 Cells are not a baby
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