Top Ten Reasons to Eat PositronWildhawk's Bacon Sandwich

The Top Ten
1 It makes you smarter than Einstein

It makes you as stupid as George Bush. Because if you touch it, you're dead!

To be honest, this list and the other one must get removed!

2 It's a perfect sandwich

Oh, so you want me to work in a restaurant where I make a sandwich to my customisation for everyone?

His sandwiches are so good. I'd like to eat more. Just as soon as he brings me oneā€¦.

And customized perfectly by Positronwildhawk.

3 It makes you grow some ballz

I'm a girl. I don't want balls.

4 It's better than SuperHyperdude's ginger sandwich
5 It can help you beat Chuck Norris

I beat Duck Walrus with my watermelon and ate sandwich. Good combination.

6 It is Illuminati

Well it's only a matter of time before Illuminati confirmed comments get spammed...

I'm gonna wait for Cereal guy to eat this.

7 It's the best drug in the world

LSD drug can't stand a chance against his bacon sandwich.

8 Britgirl added an ingredient that makes you fart over 9,000 times

Don't worry, I'm sure it will make you funny as Britgirl.

What if this already happens without eating it?

9 It can make you a meme

The most famous meme ever known.

10 It's delicious
The Contenders
11 It's bacon

Well I do not like bacon. I have a confession to make-I am an alien from Mars. Take me to your leader.

12 It was made in Texas
13 It's a sandwich
14 It features bacon
15 There are no sandwiches better out there
16 It makes you dance like the Fried Chicken Guy
17 It is a sandwich
18 It is edible
19 PositronWildhawk won't kill you
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