Top Ten Reasons Gemcloben Is a Pathetic User

The Top Ten
1 He Isn't Funny
2 His Posts Are Boring

Oh my god! Have you read anything I've written? You're way better than me at writing!

No they're not. They're great to read.

3 He Doesn't Have 100 Followers

But you might someday. Hell, it might not be long before you hit those triple digits!

Well, he only needs 9 more followers to reach triple digits.

But you are still popular... I can't believe that-

Having followers isn't important

4 His Lists Are Repetitive
5 He Is 87 On the Best Users Lists and Is On Nobody's Remixes

I'm lower than you, and I haven't checked the remixes. Ah well, I'm pathetic. I can live with that. But still.

6 Not Many People Make Lists About Him

Dude, you have more followers than me, I have only 53 you have 91! Its just that business on this site is going slow!

There are like 6 lists about you!

I'll try and make you one soon!

7 He Takes the Fun Out of Everything

The only "pathetic" thing you've ever done is making this list. None of this is true!

8 He Is Dumber Than a Lot of Users

You aren't dumb enough to be dumber than lot of users. Ha ha! Just Kidding! You're truly great!

You're smarter than me, I'll give you that!

I don't think your dumb or pathetic.

9 He hates Linkin Park
10 He Lies About His Age On His Profile
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