Top Ten Reasons Grand Theft Auto V Is Bad

The Top Ten
1 You're Roleplaying As a Criminal
2 You Shoot/Kill People for No Reason
3 It Makes No Sense

Well this is the best option, by the way the list's great!

You see blood but they're not actually dying

4 The People Swear Way to Much

They swear more than sky

5 It's Really Violent
6 Michal Is a Horrible Father
7 Trevor Is Way Too Violent

This, the blood, and the killing is a good thing

Oh my god he kills for almost no reason

8 Way Too Much Blood

Ah! Hearing this makes me cringe.

9 It's Too Dramatic
10 They scrapped Tears For Fears and Duran Duran for Rihanna and Brittany Spears
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