Top 10 Reasons to Hate the Book of Job

This book is absolutely awful! One of the worst books in the bible! Many people parade this book as deep and meaningful without actually reading it nor questioning its messed up content. It also touts an immoral message in which the religious folk fail to see for themselves. Nobody should follow this garbage nor should they teach other people about it because it's something that looks like it was written by a common bully.
The Top Ten
1 It Shows How Cruel God Really Is

I wonder what Jesus freaks like Ken Ham say about it.

Wow, dude. You're really edgy.

2 Job's Children and Servants Were Killed
3 God Literally Made a Deal with the Devil
4 It Has an Immoral Message
5 God Kills Job's Children Only to Return Twice the Amount
6 Many Religious People Are Told About This Book But Don't Read or Question It Themselves
7 People Actually Praise It

This is because those people take the time to meditate on the deeper truths of the Bible, which Jehovah can only give to those who are interested and allow him to. If you go against the Bible and/or are not interested in it, how can you appreciate it?

8 God Ends Up Scaring Job Into Submission
9 Job Suffers So Much That He Actually Wishes He Was Never Born
10 God Infected Job with Boils
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