Reasons to Hate Your Classmates

i made this list because i want to take revenge to (some) my classmates who are maltreating me.
The Top Ten
1 They bully you

Most of my classmates actually respect me.

Not all but I just always ignore them!

Not all of us. I don't get bullied.

2 They're hypocrites

This is so true! Usually some of them say to keep quiet but afterwards they're the ones making all that noise!

3 They don't return your things after borrowing them
4 They don't say "thank you" to you but only to others
5 They're noisy

I had very noisy classmates. Damn annoying!

6 They're disrespectful to you/your friends/teachers/others
7 They treat you unfairly
8 They betray you
9 They're responsible for making your teacher mad
10 They don't talk to you when you're talking to them
The Contenders
11 They're annoying
12 They don't apologize for what they did wrong to you
13 They keep blocking the whiteboard when you're trying to copy something there
14 They always want to annoy the hell out of you
15 They treat you as an object
16 They step/push/destroy your desk or chair
17 They snatch your things without asking permission
18 They are perverted
19 They put nonsensical things inside your bag

Would you like to have meat (not in your lunch box) in your bag?!

20 They try to be cool, but they end up being embarrassing
21 They sexually harass you
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