Top Ten Reasons to Love Victorious

The Top Ten
1 It has great actors

I love all the actors and actresses. Did you guys know that Justin Bieber was once on there with Danielle, Liz, Victoria and Ariana?

Danielle Monet as Trina makes a hilarious running gag of the show.

Some of the actors suck. Like Ariana grande.

I'd say this show is horrible in my opinion.

2 It's hilarious

Victorious is funny
You don't have to like it, if you don't like it, I respect your opinion, I'm just starting to think it's getting a lot of hate on this website mainly because Ariana Grande played a character on it, and Ariana is pretty hated on this website

I know right especially how Cat Valentine has been bullied a lot!

Could there be a more generic and irrelevant list?

Wow! What a bold and unnecessary comment!

3 Each episode is unique and awesome
4 It has great guest stars
5 The voices of the actors are amazing
6 It won a KCA Award
7 The director is smart and famous
8 There's a lot of drama
9 The personalities of each character compliment the show

I like Jade's personality, even though she's rough.

10 It's better than Zoey 101

That's not true,Zoey 101 was way better than this crappy show. Whoever made this list is a complete moron.

Zoey 101 is horrible just drama and Zoey is so full of it worst show ever

Victorious all the way!

The Contenders
11 The actors are hot

Except for Elizabeth because she looks like my School bully!

12 The songs are catchy
13 The songs are great
14 Jori is the greatest ship ever
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