Top Ten Reasons Not to Be a Homophobe

The Top Ten
1 Nobody will like you

I sure don't like people like that but I can't be mean can I

2 Everyone will call you mean
3 You are totally outnumbered
4 Rainbows are awesome

I know right I mean who doesn't want to fart rainbow and fly :P

5 Nobody will care about anything you say
6 You will be left out because who likes homophobes
7 You're discriminating against someone that is different
8 Gay marriage is legal in America
9 Because it's not bad to be gay

You can like who you like.

10 You are boring if you are one

I'm not sure that being homophobic will automatically make you boring. But ok I guess.

The Contenders
11 As time goes on, you'll be taken less seriously
12 You'll be mocked and bullied
13 People will call you an evil person
14 People will pretend you don't exist
15 People will call you a bully
16 It may make it more difficult to find a job
17 You will be known to use the victim card

Every single anti gay marriage ad has some homophobes saying "We're scared we will get a divorce" or "I'm scared to say my opinion on it". Basically, you become a wuss.

18 There’s no reason to be homophobic
19 Most gays are not bad people
20 People will say you are a disgusting person
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