Top 10 Reasons to Not Be Over-Nostalgic

Stop living in the past so much. There are many reasons why we move on with our lives you know. And I've compiled a list of reasons why you should get out of the past and into the future.
The Top Ten
1 You only live once
2 We let go of the past for a reason
3 You don't want to revisit some bad memories of yours

Yeah, it was only until mid-2016 when my autism wasn't that prominent of a role in my personality

4 Not everything made back then was good

I didn't even know about the 1990s obsession, nostalgia.
I just thought one day, hey what if I looked at things from childhood typed in "90s kids"
Reaction: What the hell?

A lot of things have gotten better over time. Women and black people have gotten more rights and better roles in T.V. shows and films.

We may not be perfect, but we're actually socially progressing.

90s are not everything, 90s kids!

5 Sometimes you need to focus on your future
6 Times change and certain things need change
7 You have to grow up and move on with your life
8 Being over-nostalgic can make you depressed

"I want to die because it's not 1995 anymore"

9 Not everything was perfect back then
10 You can't magically go back in time

What if Christopher Lloyd makes a time traveling device?

The Contenders
11 The past isn't as good as you remember.

I'm a 2000's kid. I watched some of the beloved "nostalgic" films from the 80's and 90's, and they weren't that good.

12 If you’re too over-nostalgic about something that was a part of your old life, that thing will now be part of your new life and it won’t be nostalgic anymore
13 The 2010s are nearly over, so your most hated decade is finished.
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