Top 10 Reasons to Not Take the Bible Literally

What I mean by this is that people really shouldn't believe that the stories in the bible actually happened. By stories I mean the magic ones that defy the laws of nature and physics.

The stories of Moses and Jesus might've happened, they just weren't what was depicted in the book (Moses never parted a sea nor did Jesus ever walk on water). It would be much simpler to view all these stories as metaphors. Metaphors that are not meant to be taken literally. Stories and ideas that are meant to help people get through life but not actual history.
The Top Ten
1 Some of the Stories Are Unrealistic

True but that doesn't mean that they are fake

2 No One Can Walk on Water

How many times? it was the son of God, Jesus. He had the powers.
I don't believe in the Bible but putting things like this you don't really understand it.

3 No One Can Part a Sea

God gave Moses a miracle.

4 Snakes Never Spoke. Snakes Didn't Devolve Over Time and Lose Their Ability to Speak

I think it was supposed to be satan possessing a snake.

5 The Earth Was Never Flooded

I think it could be the Ice Age...

6 No One Can Cure Lepers By Touching Them
7 No One Has Been the Result of a Virgin Birth
8 It's Impossible to Fit Millions of Animals Aboard an Ark

If you are older than 10-12 and you believe in Noah's Ark then can you please get medical help literally.
If you think Ken Ham's Ark Encounter is truthful then please visit a mental hospital.

9 There Weren't Only Two Humans on Earth Once Humanity Evolved
10 The Ages in the Bible are Impossible (500 Years Old)

Put things like this on the list not miracles.

The Contenders
11 Humanity Didn't Turn Evil All Because Eve Ate Some Fruit from a Magic Tree
12 No One Built a High Tower
13 No One Would Walk for 40 Years in the Desert
14 No One Can Get Miracles from God
15 How can an Angel look at the Book of Life 24/7
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