Top Ten Reasons Parents Should Stop Arguing

Arguing is not going to help parents it only makes things worse.Here are reasons why parents should stop arguing.It also makes me rather be single than being married.
The Top Ten
1 It can destroy their marriage

No wonder my country has the highest divorce rate in the world

My parents almost got divorced,

2 It will make their child feel uncomfortable

Aw, I know the feeling, and I'm sorry if you're going through that. Message me if you need to talk.

They can possibly exclude themselves from family activities or whatever

Yes! I love my parents, but this is so scary.

3 It can cause violence in the house

Okay, that's only in very extreme cases.

4 It will make their child run away

There's a 50/50 chance this might happen.

5 It can make their child not want to have a marriage

I think the same too because of constant arguing with my parents and I am more of a single person.

6 It can cause their child to be depressed
7 It might make your child commit suicide
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