Top 10 Reasons People Go Vegetarian

The Top Ten
1 They cannot bear to eat another living thing.

A major change in this heading is a welcomeable one. People eating non-vegetarian items which are of living thing. But it is not so. It is the dead body (or corpse) of animals, birds, fish or insects. If you see and feel the truth in it, then you will know what is true Vegetarinism is.

Meat tastes good, but something about the texture is unbearably awful. Its as if I can taste the suffering

People do truley do believe in eating animals, and others just do that because they can not change what happens in reality

Some people like kesha have saved animals and they just could not bear to eat them.

2 They are allergic to meat or animal products.
3 They work for a slaughter farm

They feel bad for the animals that die.

4 They would never kill an animal

Some people have the heart to end another living things life, but others cry when they do.

5 They work with animals and love them very much
6 They believe killing animals is wrong
7 They want to get healthier

My experience - more energy and better sleep. just my own experience though!

8 They are allergic to dairy
9 They don't like the taste of meat
10 Processed meat is fattening
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