Top 10 Reasons People Hate Social Media

Social media, most of us use it every day. Whether it's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, and dozens more. But, some people don't like to use it, or just have something against it. This list provides some of those reasons, so if you don't understand why someone doesn't use social media, maybe this list will help you out. And if you hate social media, maybe you'll find some of the reasons why you don't like social media platforms!
The Top Ten
1 It makes people's ego grow

Because of the followers on their platforms, it tends to make people more needy for attention. Sometimes, it makes people take big risks, possibly threatening their own lives.

Don't blame me, when I was 11 years old, I only like games but my therapist gave me facebook

People do anything for popularity and fame on the internet these days

2 It makes people procrastinate more

Social media is just another way to procrastinate. Stalking someone's Instagram for hours on end or trying to get your favorite YouTuber to notice you on Twitter, it leads to people failing to do what needs to be done, from cleaning their room, to even doing big projects all the night before

3 It gives some people anxiety

You know what I agree it ruined my friend also social media is fillied with rubbish and I am a real person not a bot and I like to go out and be real with the real world instead of this fake social media bs

Sometimes, posting can give people anxiety by worrying about what others may think of what they're posting

Agreed. I can't use social media because I'm afraid of being judged.

4 It's waste of time

99% of my stuff was fandom garbage and photos of cats. After a while, I decided that listening to music online was eating away at my time (and data.) I deleted all my social media accounts. My life is so boring I don't feel the need to post about it. I'm not that special.
I'd rather read a book or play a game than obsess over the latest joke or band. But I'll probably miss out on new releases by some of my favorite artists (but the radio still exists.)

Also, I find it sad how people feel uncomfortable talking on the phone. It's my favorite way to stay in touch, but everything is done though texting and posting these days.

Because we stay all day on our phones, lap and forget how to social in the real life.
trust me, I tried that before...

Especially following celebrities because there are better things to do!

When your older, what will you have to show for it?

5 It's addictive

Some of us that have social media know that it can be pretty addicting, and sometimes may make you lose friends

Imagine a social media Rehab for those who need serious help!

This is the best reason. And why I don't use social media.

Too much addiction is not good for you.

6 Causes people to be antisocial

There are many rude people in the world!

As if they got no manners at all!

7 It doesn't replace real interaction

In the real world, you need to know how to interact with people face to face. You do so in businesses and meetings, etc, so if you are only used to tapping your screen it will be hard for you to return to the real world and speak using your own voice.

Some people think that texting or calling will replace face to face interaction. Some of those who don't utilize social media prefer not to just be texting or calling all the time online

That's true 100% & DON'T trust online dating at all!

8 It enables nosy people

Basically, I don't like to share. I do blog on occasion like now and give an occasional opinion. But I have gone days without even turning on my cell phone. Use it only for work and when I have to. I haven't ever posted on facebook. Even when I have activated yet another facebook account, I forget to look, don't care, don't want to know what others are doing and don't understand why they want to know about me. I just finished writing an old-fashioned letter to a friend in AZ. It made me feel good to commit pen to paper. There is more concentration, deeper thought, and more satisfaction with writing a good letter or even just a note. So what if I do not get a reply right away. I live in the country, enjoy my chickens, my garden, my teaching job and ridiing my horse. No time for social media

Some people will just keep commenting stuff on your photos or statuses, and it can very much make some people lose it

9 Lack of authenticity

No real sense of genuinity. Everyone looks the same, they talk the same, post the same. People are no longer in tune with their true self. Everything is about what you think people want to see and what’s trendy at the time. Validation comes from your followers and the number of likes you receive. Everyone’s an “entrepreneur” starting the same businesses they copied from people they don't even follow lol

10 It is nothing more than one more thing to distract you from your own life.

Turn off your devices & enjoy the real world of nature!

The Contenders
11 It causes mental health problems

only because of bullying, I hate going online because of bullying, bullying negatively affects my identity, I've been wrongfully bullied for so long that I'm adapted & used to it from my own family & others, including exes too. no matter what I do I continue to be bullied by the people I love, I've done enough I've had enough & I don't know how else to express myself due to how collectively feeble everyone is nowadays, the amount of feeble people roaming free is worth reintroducing psychiatric hospitals at every corner again back to the days before JFK & Ronald Reagan introduced bills to dismantle & no longer financially support psychiatric hospitals nationwide to empty out & clean house & let the unstable free for the animals that they are, I don't know how else to express myself because I'm overbearingly tired & I before to be alone & interacting with people have lost its value imagine purpose & reputation over the recent centuries, people are nomads with existential identity crisises that being have to be superficial artificial & fake by conforming to norms that isn't their real responsibility nor identity & what's the value in it all? self sabotage & conforming to the wrong audience that isn't authentically yourself with all of the authenticity that is unrequited tangible self

12 It's just not for them

My point in being online is to interact with intelligent, rational people and social media is all about the short-attention span crowd who think memes constitute intellectual debate. I don't want to follow people, I want to follow ideas and that's just not what social media is built to do.

Some people just don't like the idea of it

People don't share ideas on social media.

13 Makes people think they have to have the perfect body

This is why you DON'T BELIEVE what you see on social media & it makes people insecure!

14 It can reveal private information

I guess this one should be #1 because I hardly use social media. Well, the only two social media I use are TheTopTens and Youtube, but I don't upload any videos. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. I rarely ever use. I actually like using this site because it's more private.

Some people prefer not to use social media because they simply just don't want to share stuff from their personal life on the Internet

15 Too much politics

Now it's hard to explain in a simple way but I think the best way is that a lot of people think one side is the right side and one side is the wrong side when it's so much more complicated than that

16 It promotes poor reading and communication skills.

"Liberal use of slang, colloquialisms, textspeak, emoticons, and pop culture references is destroying the ability to verbally communicate in an intelligent fashion. And there is the disturbing trend for some who like to deliberately utilize alternate spellings that are based on certain regioinal dialects that many find colorful and less boring than writing intelligently (for example, sterotypical ebonics and redneck accents).

Not to mention the APPALLING grammar that's used by a lot of people, and that includes no commas, apostrophes and full stops.

Please stop using internet slang, I beg of you.

17 It destroys social skills

It's just not the same. Talking face to face is much much better. You can see, feel and even smell people (which sometimes is actually a worse alternative)

18 It dismisses the privacy of people

You can disclose way too much even accidentally

19 It's mainstream

Misquoting Oscar Wilde "Thinking like everybody else just means you're probably wrong" I detest the idea that I've got to share the same point of view as everyone on my social circle...

I wish not to use it because every other person uses it

20 It promotes self doubt

You'll start thinking the life of others is better than yours. Pushing yourself to what you feel is perfection

People feel like theybare failures if they don't have likes... that's real sad

21 Cyber bullies

Cyber bullies should get arrested, sued, charged & need some serious help!

Lol just shut your computer off. Cyberbullying is an excuse to be a whiny emo.

It's causes suicides

22 It destroys relationships

Ex-girlfriend likes something I posted, and its apparently my fault.

It does destroy real life relationships with people in general...

Constantly have to follow my partner to make sure he isn’t starting something new with someone else.

23 Promotes curated, fake identities

Makes everyone show a fake face to the rest of the world. Wearing fake smiles and counting up likes from others like social currency.

People share fake information, create fake profiles, lie about themselves and hide who they are.

24 Feels like slavery....almost like you HAVE to participate, especially with employers mandating that you MUST have a Facebook and Twitter account

Apparently, having an Instagram, Facebook or Twitter account demonstrates just how competent I am and how well I can perform my job. Oh please! It's like the lie of the degree - have one and you'll a) stand out and b) shows you're a hard worker. Well, no and nope. It shows that I can conform like a good little human-robot. Plus if everyone has one then my guess is no one stands out. And LinkedIn... What a load of s***.

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