Top Ten Reasons Rebecca Black Deserves Better

The Top Ten
1 Rebecca Black is a nice person

Rebecca Black is a very nice person, she don't deserve so much hate. that friday song was 5 years ago, move on people!

Yes, I love her no matter what

Can I vote for all of them?

That's an understatement.

2 Attacking her over a song is not a valid reason

Yeah, attacking someone over a song is pathetic.
Seriously, Friday was her only bad song. I checked out her other songs and some covers and she's really good.

3 She was only 13.5 years old when Friday came out
4 It's not her fault Friday is annoying
5 Rebecca Black looks Hot
6 Rebecca Black also has some good songs
7 Watch her Draw My Life to see the pain she had to go though life
8 Rebecca Black makes a happy smile most of the time
9 Rebecca Black is a very kind person
10 She is a good person
The Contenders
11 Katy Perry likes Rebecca Black
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