Top Ten Reasons TheTopTens's Donald Trump Hate Gets Annoying

Look, I can understand if you don't like Trump, but the hate has been blown way out of proportion among other things that are annoying, and this is a list on why I think so.
The Top Ten
1 Many users and visitors hate Trump for ridiculous reasons

True. I do think "he's a racist" gets old after a while. But I still think he's unfit for the job. Even if "Crooked Hillary" would be worse. My problem is Trump fans are too overconfident and vocal about thinking he'll win that it makes me want to support Hillary. Even though I equally dislike them. I'm not looking forward to the results, because people on this site won't shut up about it whoever wins.

"He Supports Donald Trump, so he shouldn't be on this list". <- What an anonymous visitor (probably Gamecubesarecool193) keeps commenting about me all the time and it's so annoying.

I really agree. Trump's not racist! He wants to kick out illegal immigrants, not all Mexicans! And Muslim isn't a race, by the way.

"His supporters are too confident" is the dumbest reason ever to oppose a candidate.

2 Donald Trump is often hated with factually incorrect reasoning

Yeah, he is building a wall to keep out the Mexican cartels from bringing drugs and trafficking women in and out of America, if it was Canada, he would still do it.

Yeah, pretty sure that he's not racist, he's building a wall to prevent illegals from entering.

3 The Donald Trump hate is out of proportion

I do hate Trump a lot,but yeah all this unnecessary hate against him needs to stop. And it's not just on the top tens, it's all over the internet.

Don't worry, this will be over tomorrow. When someone wins.

Democrats are backfiring due of Trump's victory.

True but the Hillary hate is also overdramatic.

4 People think Trump is racist, but he just doesn't like illegals
5 People say he is worse than Hitler and 9/11
6 Users take the things Trump says out of proportion and hate him for it

Finally, someone who thinks this happens.

7 Trump hate is often liberal bias

Clinton's hate is conservative bias.

8 Trump is thought to hate countries, yet he only wants to put America first
9 Trump is stated to be stupid, yet he has an IQ of 156
10 Trump hate is too common among the Internet, not just TheTopTens
The Contenders
11 Trump is a racist and against Muslims just because ISIS is made of Muslims.

He never said he was against Muslims. He said that he doesn't like ISIS. Whoever added this is a moron who believes the media.

This is not true. Whoever added this is dumb

12 There are people that actually like Donald Trump
13 Donald Trump is a bad president, but not the worst

I agree. Yes, I am releasing a political opinion. He's around the fifth worst, third max, but he is not at all the worst.

14 They blame him for many bad things that happen
15 Trump hate is often just people bandwagoning the individuals who hate him for legitimate reasons
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