Top Ten Reasons to Watch Uncle Grandpa

The Top Ten
1 It Is Funny

I think the reason most people find the show unfunny is that they prefer subtle dialogue based humor to the surreal visual cartoony humor in UG. I like both styles of humor, so naturally I'm quite fond of the show. I think it's really good and is one of CN's most underrated shows.

You see, there is a problem. There is a weird part In every 2 minutes of the show. The show can't focus.

The Series is just so Funny! All Episodes are awesome and watchable too!

No it's not. The person who made this list must've been high.

2 Giant Realistic Flying Tiger
3 "Good Morning"

Worst. Catchphrase. Ever.

Good morning

4 The Plots Are Cool
5 It's Appropriate for Kids

Not with all this potty humour. It also looks like you're on drugs watching it.

6 The Kids On It Are Relatable

I highly doubt that kids want to take advice from a stranger.

7 Uncle Grandpa Has Many Butt and Fart Jokes
8 The Farts Are Funny

Farts are not funny. Go get a life and grow up.

So this kid likes bathroom humor?

9 It's So Bad That It's Good

I'm pretty sure you said that in why uncle grandpa is better than the Simpsons this doesn't make sense

Is this a joke?!

10 The Animation is Great

Agreed and Agreed, I really love the animation, I'm surprised that they went from gross animations to clean animations, what a novelty!

The Contenders
11 The Characters Are Likable
12 Uncle Grandpa is Cool

He sucks. How is he cool?

13 Pizza Steve is Cool
14 Mr. Gus is Cool

I think he's the only likable character in the show.

15 It Reminds Me of Minecraft Classic for Some Reason

Minecraft Is WAY BETTER than stinky Dora, Caillou, Barney, Peppa Pig, Team Umizoomi, Paw Patrol

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