Top Ten Reasons Why Apples are Better Than Oranges

The Top Ten
1 Apples taste better than oranges

Actually, this list is a representation comparison list recently "Why A is better than B" it's not that serious - RosecandyMusic I'm not logged in because I'm suspended just like my cousin

This is pretty subjective. I like an orange's taste better than an apple's

2 Apples looks better than oranges
3 Apples are not too messy to eat
4 Apples can be eaten without peeling the skin off while oranges can't be eaten without peeling the skin off
5 Apples are more awesome than oranges
6 Apples are sweeter than oranges
7 Apples have different colors

And different flavors.

8 Apples are better toppings for dessert than orange
9 Apple Pies are better than Orange pies
10 Apple trees are prettier than orange trees
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