Top 10 Reasons Why Being Outside in Nature is Great

I love exploring and discovering outside in nature! You're surrounded by beautiful landscapes, flora and fauna. I do like hiking in the Blue Mountains and standing on top of a waterfall! Nature is awesome! You can go camping, hiking, walking through forests, flower fields and valleys and more! Nature is breathtaking and beautiful! Enjoy!
The Top Ten
1 The breathtaking and beautiful view

I'd rather go outside to look at nature than go outside just to exercise! Beauty is better than getting tired after 30 seconds after exercising!

The Earth is beautiful. I want to live in the country some day. I hate the city.

2 You're away from the noisy sounds of the city

Big city greens isn't a joke.

3 You smell the crisp, fresh air
4 All the incredible diversity in nature
5 Watching the sunset in the distance
6 Learning the flora and fauna
7 How divine the spring water flows and the flowers blooming
8 You feel freedom and no stress

The perfect way to melt exam stress away.

9 It's calm, relaxing or peaceful

Yes, I can feel my blood pressure drop as soon as I'm out away from the city.

10 The wonder and beauty of nature
The Contenders
11 Seeing the stars without any light pollution

It's breathtaking. Billions of stars!

12 You're away from the terrible things on the internet
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