Top Ten Reasons Why Boys Hate Pop Music

A lot Of boys Hate Pop Music Because Its Overplayed And Loud
The Top Ten
1 Fangirls

I can not stand the Fangirls who only are fans because the singer is "good-looking", not because they truly care about the music. This strikes me as utterly dull and primitive. Unfortunately this is what is indoctrinated in today's society; especially the music industry - and Pop-Music looses it's quality. Once innovative, now just repetitive and predictable in the name of Capitalism. In "Boys" there is a similar phenomenon; no matter how good HER music is, the sexist ape will comment something like "Eww she looks so awful".
However, if someone is FAN(Boy/Girl) of a Band because they really appreciate the music and skills behind, then it is totally legit. Without their fans/supporters, the formation of bands and production of music would have no use - nor would it be affordable.

They are mostly Drake fangirls and they make fun of my grades and my opinions! I have better grades and I listen to metal and dubstep! I respected everybody opinion but I can't stand with them! Some of my friends that are girls don't listen to pop instead they listen to rock and metal!

This makes me so angry that I want to explode. You don't want to see me angry I'm warning you.

They're squeals are the worst part. Music is supposed to be art.

2 Not Enough Meaning

Sex, love, relationships, and partying. The sad part is that this encompasses at least 90% of pop songs. I get that this is something people do think about, but it can't possibly be everything people think about. There's so much, much more to life than such vapid topics. I'd be nice if the lyrics were more creative or more deep. And I'd be nice if, when they did use metaphors, they would be more complex.

Music shouldn't be made to bring attention to words, that's what books are for. Music shouldn't be made to make money, that's what jobs are for. Music should be made to make people feel without the ability to explain how it happened.

I have the same complaint about the title of this Top 10 as the one about how all girls love pop. People who like meaningful lyrics won't like most pop music.

They have no Effort put into them. Songs are supposed to mean something. Beethoven got a message across his audience and he didn't use lyrics.

3 Boybands

I'm a girl and I HATE boybands. This is why the modern pop culture today sucks. All they sing about girls and love. I'd rather hear a dying goat giving birth. :/

Finally, I'm not the only girl who doesn't like 1D. Even my friend Tish, who is in the army, likes them. And she hates all of my stuff because it's rock stuff she's never even heard of. God girl, broaden your horizons!

All these fangirls will emerge in less than 1 second and then try their best to be cringeworthy by sending date requests to these boybands! They really should die for having toxic fanbases.

I am a GIRL and I absolutely hate boy bands. They are not really what I'd expect to come of a world like this. But here we are trapped with one direction. YOU STINK 1D!

4 It's Too Loud

Pop Music makes my ears bleed after an annoying singing! Boring beats and nothing else!

Microsoft Opening Sound (Welcome...) is more louder than pop songs though.

You'd think death metal is quieter.

5 Popstars Looks

You don't needs to look like a pop star to be attractive!

They all look pretty stupid, don't they?

6 Sexual Themes

I know a bunch of second grade girls on my bus who sing Anaconda a lot. It drives me absolutely bonkers.

I just read Stupid Hoe's lyrics and CRINGE! How can there be 9 year olds listening to these inappropiate, horribly cringey songs?

I think it's inappropriate for a 9 year old to listen to Anaconda...

7 It Sucks

It all sounds alike, and people seem to care about attention more than the music itself.

It all sucks! Seriously people, why?

This music reflects our society. Teenage girls complain of sexual discrimination or being treated inappropriate, but you gladly listen to music by sluts and which very sexually suggestive themes and utterly love that song. There is such a lack of creativity which you all embrace which, personally, ruins a song for me.

8 Magazines

I would rather read on Metal and Dubstep fanbase than that stupid magazine!

I'd rather read National Geographic than ANY crappy gossip magazine.

I'd honestly rather just pick up a book.

Looks can be deceiving!

9 Auto-Tune

If boys in general really hated pop I don't think these pop stars would have gotten that popular. Maybe the percentage of fanboys in pop music is less than fangirls, but boys are equally responsible for the unwanted growth of pop music as girls. One of my own cousin who is a boy listens to Taylor Swift.

10 Popular Music Videos

Tupac music videos and slipknot deserves more views than psy gangman style and baby!

The Contenders
11 Performances

Sorry, but this list is very childish. Any gender can like pop music, your reasons are what a 5 year old would put. All you rock and Metal fans get your acts together.

- Mr. Wiseguy

12 Too Commercialized

I'm 15 and I completely hate pop music. If it wasn't for internet, I think that I would hate music completely. Every time I turn on T.V., 90% of commercials use pop music. I am tired of people who like thing because they are "POPULAR" (air quoting). This is why I made my own YouTube account, because Google suggests you watch popular music/videos because they are popular. This is why I don't listen to radio anymore. All I hear is the same music and commercials. I only have 2032 songs on my iPod and have only updated them once. I only listen to Rap (releases when it used to be good from around 1980-90s) and Rock. In conlucison, Pop music and commercials suck.

If the internet wasn't around we wouldn't have to read your what you put and things would be better. If the internet wasn't around Justin Bieber and One Direction wouldn't get the hate speech they get on here.

Yeah, that's a big thing, kinda

13 High Pitch Voices

Listen to whitechapel and your problems will fade away

I bleed my brains out every time I hear those.

It bleed my ears and my brain!

14 Attention Whoring
15 Partying
16 Cheesy Lyrics

I rather listen mostly to good rap, R&B, aggresive trap edm, and all types of electronic soul music beats better than listening to most stupid modern pop songs I've ever heard like What Do You Mean.

17 Dance Moves

I am terrible at dancing but I can dance better than them!

Pop dancing makes people look like morons

18 Annoying Beats

Not ALL Pop songs have annoying beats, but I'm talking about the ones from songs like Swagger Manner by Cher Lloyd.

19 They Sell Perfume

Fine... Music! But why sell perfume?

20 Inappropriate Themes
21 Drug References
22 Has No Feeling

I know right. I hate most modern pop. I rather listening mostly to rap, R&B, agressive EDM trap, and all types of electro-soul beats.

23 It is Overrated and Just, "Lazy"

Every time I do anything, there has to be pop music because it's the only thing people like. Because of this, I don't look at, listen, or go to the following: YouTube, The super bowl, marathons, some restaurants, and like almost anything because al they put on, is pop music. Also, pop music is lazy. Pop singers rely on auto tune and extra recordings. I say "get a voice." They also use drum machines and all that ----. This physically means that almost anyone can be a pop star. They are also really not creative. If you hear "What does the fox say", the response to that question is Wa wa wa wa kaka kaka or something like that. Apparently pop song lovers call that crap music. Never mind, "get a voice", as I said earlier. Now, I say "get a life" Also, you have probably heard people say "pop songs all sound the same." If you love pop songs and want proof for this, choose any pop song and see how many times the same verses and parts repeat. If you want ...more

24 Unoriginal
25 Shrieking Whenever a Pop Star is Around
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