Top Ten Reasons Why Buzzfeed Sucks

BuzzFeed Is A Very Lazy Article Website Of Making On Articles Of Giving Insults Not Being On Useful Facts And A Lack Of Creativity Of A Website Giving Such A Bad Reputation For BuzzFeed Viral Content. It's Mostly A Website For Dig Articles, For Dig People As For Being Losers And Idiot.

BuzzFeed Is So Far One Of The Most Idiotic And Irritating Websites Ever On Mindless Article Websites.
The Top Ten
1 Social Justice Warriors preach using Buzzfeed
2 BuzzFeed Articles Are Stolen From Other Articles
3 They Made a Video of a Black Woman Whipping a White Slave


4 They Spread Lies

Ex: "Bratz is a feminist masterpiece! >8(".

5 Their Lists Are All Idiotic Clickbait

No I don't have to know what happened at that one wedding, so I don't know why they think it's worth it for me to click and load through 20 pages to find out.

Seriously, I once saw a list that said

6 They Constantly Talk About Race
7 Creators are Uninformative and Unimaginative

Pure copy paste

8 BuzzFeed Quizzes

Have you ever seen those riddle videos and then when they show you the riddle in the video, It doesn't give you the answer? That's basically the same for the quizzes for BuzzFeed sometimes

You should watch Glove and Boots video about it

I honestly like Buzzfeed quizzes!

They're bad. Like, really bad.

9 Full of Sexist People
10 They Ruined Feminism

They're on drugs!

The Contenders
11 Bad Labeling of Being Outdated
12 Lack of Creativity
13 GIFs
14 Terms of Copywriting
15 Articles are Mostly on Insults Than Facts or Information.

Why would be articles on insults?! That's stupid!

16 Obsession with the Kardashian-Jenner family

If this is really true, then I am glad that I don't visit buzzfeed that often. I rather keep up with watching burning garbage.

If you're a fan of the family, great! But Buzzfeed promotes that family's fame as if they deserve to be famous

Too much attention they're getting!

17 Countless Writers
18 They Hate Snape

As a Harry Potter fan, I'm glad I'm not on buzzfeed during the day

19 Inappropriate for Kids and Adults

There is loads of bad words for kids and loads of biast news for adults

20 98% of the Content is Useless

I just watched a ton of reaction videos on this one guy who claims that he has never eaten fruit in his entire life. I don't mean to judgemental or anything, but how pathetic do you have to be to be scared of eating a kiwi or a pineapple. I am confident that millions of kids around the world have had a piece of fruit like an apple or a banana as a snack or in their lunchbox. I could give him the benefit of the doubt and believe that this is just a click-bait video as a means to get views. This is BuzzFeed we're talking about. But if it's serious, then wow. Come on man, you're a 20, 30-something year old adult male, grow some balls.

21 The Rankings Are Misleading
22 They Called Bratz a Feminist Masterpiece
23 Defending Islam as a "Race"

Since when Islam is a race and not as a Religion?!

Islam is the worst!

24 Pro-SJW Articles

They are the ones who ruined everything. Thanks BuzzFeed!

25 They are Sexist
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