Top Ten Reasons Why Cat People and Dog People Should Stop Fighting

The Debate "Cats vs Dogs" will never end, and it's getting offensive, and taken too seriously. So, this is why we should just accept each other's differences and focus on developing a friendship with each other.
The Top Ten
1 Both cats and dogs are cool

Totally agree! They are both living creatures and are not better than each other, just different. There are cats that would do anything for their owners and dogs that are lazy balls of fluff and hate walks!

Thank you so much for making this list! I hate the way people are salty over this topic, claiming facts from the other side aren't true and using stereotypes.
They are both equal!

Cats and dogs are both very cute, especially when they are very good friends.

I love dogs AND cats
I like them equally because they are both amazing

2 Fighting won't change your opponent's mind
3 People are beginning to take the debate too seriously
4 People are beginning to be physically violent over the debate

Hurting other people is never justified, especially if it's about something as stupid as if dogs or cats are better. It's just stupid that some people would hurt someone else because of this.

5 Neither side will win, ever
6 People are beginning to twist truth so that it fits their side
7 It's getting both arrogant and ignorant

People are being mean just because someone else have a different favourite pet! Come on, you can do better than that!

8 We're all people, and, no matter our view of cats and dogs, we're equal
9 Cyber bullying is getting more frequent because of the debate
10 We should all accept that dogs are better

I had to chose this because I want to say that it is actually the oppisite dogs are dumb and cats are smart dogs are ugly and cats are cute!

Yes dogs are better everyone stop fighting about both of these pets they are EQUAL to the cuteness

What u added is an opinion not a fact u idiot! (to whoever added this) - dog fan

Now that's just stupid

The Contenders
11 People are missing the point of the debate
12 All living creatures should be treated equally

This is why you're my favorite user, Ku. You really understand life.

13 Both creatures rock, it’s just that people consider one to be better than another.
14 It’s okay to like different things
15 Both are amazing

They are both great animals and are awesome in their own way!

I definitely agree.

16 They can't accept people's options
17 It is an opinion
18 We should all accept that cats are better

Yes I agree that cats are better.

19 It's becoming a fight over stereotypes
20 There are more important things in life
21 It's annoying
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