Top Ten Reasons Why Cats Could Be Part of the Illuminati

This list is supposed to be a joke. Do not take it seriously.
The Top Ten
1 The Illuminati logo is a triangle and cats have triangle noses

Oh man, looks like I was Illuminati after all.

2 Cats are secretive
3 Cats are mysterious
4 There are a lot of cat memes and Illuminati memes

Ugh, I despise cats. They rub their "intelligence" in my face. I like Delgia doe.

5 There is a lot of superstition about cats
6 Cats have triangle ears and the Illuminati logo is a triangle
7 There's a reason for the devil cat Emojis
8 There are pictures of cats laying on dollar bills on the Internet and rumor has it that the Illuminati logo is on dollar bills

Now the rumor is false but still!

9 There are some cats with triangular markings
10 They're pointless animals

Cat's are not that pointless nor part of the illuminati.

The Contenders
11 Cats have a lot of legends about them
12 Some cats are pure evil
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