Reasons Why Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul is a Great Movie

The Top Ten
1 It was well written

Please note: This list is supposed to be sarcastic.

Comparing it to a movie made by toads, yes.

So we'll written I payed $200 for bleach.

2 It was very entertaining

It was entertaining in such a way that I only slept for 3 hours.

No, it was stupid, unfunny, and mean-spirited.

So entertaining I barely kept my sanity

3 It had brilliant acting

Brilliantly terrible.

4 A lot of pee jokes

So we can pee on this movie

5 It was very mature
6 It was very funny

This list is a joke.

7 Greg and the other characters looked like their age
8 It was worth your time and money
9 Diaper Hands

I laughed off of my chair when that happened.

10 It had heart-warming moments

So heartwarming that my heart froze and stopped

The Contenders
11 It is perfect for people every age
12 Charlie Wright did a fascinating job at playing Rodrick
13 It wasn't rushed
14 Jason Drucker is cute
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