Top 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump Isn't that Bad

The Top Ten
1 He doesn't tax the heck out of America

Well he wants to cut medicaid(my family uses it), social security(my family also uses it), renewable energy. He also allowed internet companies to sell personal data and supported repealing Net Neutrality! That's what I hate about him!

Really? Because somehow I'm owing back taxes.

2 He is smarter than he appears

He was once seen as a joke but people are beginning to realise how seriously he's taking his role as President. He and Theresa May should get together. They'd soon have the world straightened out.

He said Puerto Ricans were the worst kinds of Mexicans. If that's not smart I don't know what is.

Very true. I wish more people would realize that.

Hate on him all you want but the guy is smart.

3 He has good reasons for hating the media

Most of media is lying about how bad Trump is when Hillary is much worse by comparison. Wanting to keep "illegal" immigrants out of America doesn't make him racist.

It's all garbage media, they are all one sided for different things. Trump isn't a very good president but I could name so many worse US presidents

Understandable, but does he really need to bring up fake news like every thirty seconds or so when he does a speech?

I can't stand the media either. Always one-sided and against Trump.

4 He is actually doing something about North Korea

This is the most stuipdest list on the toptens ever. Donald Trump is homophobic and north Korea ain't scared of no damn Donald Trump. Read the news.

True. Finally someone's on this sight who doesn't make lists dedicated to hating trump.

5 He takes risks that pay off
6 He calls out on crooks like Hillary Clinton

But is Hillary Clinton really the crook he should be focused on, he brings her up every time he talks about the democrats, and yes, she has done mistakes but is in no way a crook! If Hilary Clinton is a crook, Donald Trump is a cat burglar...

Apparently Hillary once helped a rapist win a court case knowing that he was guilty.

But doesn't call himself out when he's selling out his country and teaming With Vladimir Putin. Or his own parents for being members of The Ku Klux Klan.

7 He knows how the economy works
8 He honors people who help each other
9 He compliments other countries
10 He uses social media to his advantage

He literally tweets insults and how awesome he thinks he is.

The Contenders
11 He's genuinely a nice guy

Yeah I know like how he can barely smile and always has a scowl on his face and questions the intelligence of black people and how he's constantly talking down to others.

That's right it was so funny and nice when he made fun of that disabled reporter

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