Reasons Why E.T. The Extra Terresrial For Atari 2600 is the Worst Game Ever

The Top Ten
1 It Contributed to the Video Game Crash of 1983

This stuff is over-exaggerated. There are plenty of other factors to the crash, some other games were just as responsible for the crash as E.T.

2 Nearly All of Its Copies Ended Up Buried In a Landfill

Actually I did the math. 1/7 of the game's copies were in a landfill. 1/2 of the copies of Mario Bros. (Atari 2600) should end up delivered to me! I would gladly destroy them!

3 It Was Produced Too Quickly

While I consider it far from the worst game of all time, it would've been at least decent if Scott had more time.

The Game was programmed in just 5 Weeks

4 Awful Gameplay

The whole game consist of you falling into pits in order to find missing pieces of your phone, its as terrible as it sounds.

5 Terrible Graphics

I've seen it. I laughed at it!

6 Too Many Cartridges Were Made

5 Million E. T Cartridges were manufactured way more than the number of Atari 2600 systems made.

7 People Didn't Want Them for Free
8 Nearly All of Its Copies Were Brought Back
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