Reasons Why Ella (Total Drama) is Better Than Courtney (Total Drama)

The Top Ten
1 Ella is sweet, optimistic and kind

Very sweet and kind!

2 Ella is not arrogant or bossy
3 Courtney cheats
4 Ella does not abuse her boyfriend

Never would she!

5 Ella fans are nicer

Because Ella is nicer even if I like Courtney.

6 Ella is not a crybaby
7 Courtney is too hypocritical

Indeed she is. She told DJ to suck it up in Phobia Factor when he was too scared to pet the snake, yet she couldn't jump into the pool of green jelly. Also, Courtney whines too much about being a leader because she was a CIT. Ella, on the other hand, never whines that much. Yes, Ella may not act very realistic at times, but Ella is way more preferable than Courtney

Courtney does not whine too much, but neither does Ella.

I couldn't agree more as I've noticed in her.

8 Ella sings better than Courtney

Yeah, well that is true, and Nicki Minaj is, like, still a great singer, by the way.

Of course she always sings she can calm down a bear

Courtney sings like Nicki Minaj.

9 Ella is a better role model

Courtney does not overreact way too much, but it is true that Ella is a better role model. I just like Courtney, even though I like Ella more.

Courtney overreacts way too much.

10 Ella is not obsessed with eliminating someone

No, not ever, unlike Sugar. This should be reasons why ella is better than sugar, as she eliminated Jasmine.

True. Ella is the fairest one around, while Courtney is a ruthless jerk.

That is true, she is very nice.

The Contenders
11 Ella smiles more
12 Ella does not hate every contestant in the show
13 Ella teaches us life-lessons

Like "Part of being a good friend is knowing when someone is in need of cheering up."

14 Ella loves animals
15 Ella is a good person
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