Ten Reasons Why Fluttershy Is Awesome

The Top Ten
1 The stare

I laughed when I saw this.

2 She is friendly

Not at all for a few times,ok she refuse to watch the dragon migration with Rainbow Dash when Rainbow Dash had to waste her own free time just to watch the boring butterfly migration with her. -RainbowDash

She's totally sweet, why hate on her?

She said I love you in one episode.

3 Her hulk up in the power ponies episode
4 She is shy but can totally beat you up

Oh hell yeah! Despite how truly girly Fluttershy is she can totally be a badass. Remember Lesson Zero!

5 She loves animals
6 She can sing
7 She can win in a quiet game
8 She's pretty

Of course she is pretty! I mean WHO couldn't resist her beautiful teal eyes and light pink mane? (I have a thing for characters with pink hair :3) But at last I cannot love her romantically since I do not exist in her world. But I know a few who soon might (looking at you Discord! )

Look her. She's flawless!

She is quite gem!

9 She can hold her breath

Ya until she goes unconscious!

10 She's adorable
The Contenders
11 She is basically Yandere to animals
12 She loves cuddling and hugs

You can hug her and pet her forever.

13 She says "Yay"
14 She is flawless
15 She is lovely
16 She is girly

Finally! Somebody who doesn't take girly as a bad thing!

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