Top Ten Reasons Why Girls Have It The Hardest

Hardest things for girls, and things that girls have to go through that suck.
The Top Ten
1 Periods

Period cramps are awful, and so is the blood, the messes, the embarrassment, having to change, and lack of abilities such as swimming.

You have to go through that in a few years boys have to have *there weak spot for there whole lives

Menstrual cramps are so awful, I almost always end up throwing up!

The absolute worst thing I've experienced from puberty.

2 Child Birth

This is the most painful, and you have to carry around a baby in your stomach for 9 months, and the only reason this isn't first is because it usually ends up in a baby.

True, but it's not like you HAVE to go through childbirth, and it's a choice. I choose not to...

It's a choice actually, if you want to go through hell, or you stay lonely forever.

3 Sexism

I feel bad for women. I'll hear a song about that and think,"What are girls thinking when this song comes up? "

I totally agree with you, everyone seems to think we're just sex objects!

It's so hard being a girl when everything seems to be against you!

4 Shirts

It really stinks watching guys walk around with shirts off in the heat, when we have to wear shirts all the time!

5 Broken Heart/Moodiness

Boys can be players and abusive, and girls always have a time in their life when they are depressed because of breakup.

Boys can have broken hearts too: I know. Please girls don't think you're the only ones, it happens to some boys too, it's down to individuals, not genders. Yeah there are some boys who are "players" but there are also some girls who are s****. But not all of course: it's down to individuals.

6 Shaving and Hygiene
7 Lower Pay

That sucks, and I've always found it unfair.

8 Breast Pains

Because of it, it disgusts me when people, especially cis men, glamorize huge boobs.

9 Losing Weight

It's easier for girls to get heavy, and harder for them to get rid of the weight. How unfair is that?

10 Bras
The Contenders
11 Housework

I've heard of a guy who went to the police because his wife wasn't doing the housework and I think the wife got shot...

So what? We all have to do things we don't want to do. If we didn't clean our houses, they would be a wreck!

It's a important life skill though.

12 Pregnancy
13 Potential Dangers of Sexual Assault
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