Top 10 Reasons Why Goanimate is Better Than Harry Potter

The Top Ten
1 The series is bad

I just lost a ton of brain cells reading this list... Please take a break from the internet and, I dunno, see a therapist? Not because you hate Harry Potter, but because of the points you're making.

Harry Potter is so long; the series don't need to be so long.

I hate GoAnimate.

2 The parents in Grounded videos are smarter than Hermoine

Liar! GoAnimate Parents are Stupid! They keep grounding their children for dumb reasons!

Child abuse (making caillou take cold showers and stuff) is not smart.

Goanimate parents are the worst parents in history

I hate Goanimate parents.

3 Harry Potter is for old people

It's also for Kids

4 The userbase is epic
5 The fanfiction "My Immortal"

The only bad thing, but the rest is inaccurate.

6 Harry never gets grounded

Because he is such a heroic, phenomenal character. - The Ultimate Daredevil

7 The Harry Potter fanbase is bad

The GoAnimate Fanbase is bad, not Harry Potter

8 Every GoAnimate user hates Caillou

I'm NOT a Caillou but Go! Animate make it better, he get grounded and how many year or days he grounded for is so funny.

I hate Caillou too, but this is stupid!

9 Only smart people use GoAnimate

Only dumb people don't like Harry Potter...

What am I even Reading?!?!

10 GoAnimate is fun to use but Harry Potter is boring

No, Harry Potter is Fun and GoAnimate is Boring, GoAnimate is the same thing over and over again!

The Contenders
11 Harry Potter is too emo

Not an emo haha

12 It's More Kid-Friendly
13 Grounded videos are fun to watch
14 No Assault Or Executions In Harry Potter
15 Goanimate is more original
16 The Villains In Harry Potter Are Worse Than All the Goanimate Characters
17 It's More Entertaining
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