Top 10 Reasons Why a Good Reputation Should Matter to You

I've been visiting this site for three years now and I've seen a lot of users who have had pretty bad reputations (either for not respecting different opinions, quantity over quality, immaturity, etc.). I just wanna say that I think it's extremely important to have a good reputation as a user. And I have a lot of reasons as to why I think it is.

This list doesn't only apply to users of TheTopTens, but to pretty much everyone. Your reputation matters more than you think and you should always keep a good one for many different reasons.
The Top Ten
1 So More People Will Think Positively of You

Doesn't it feel good when someone else thinks positively of you? You really don't want a lot of negative comments about you on here because it'll just have future users thinking more negatively of you and possibly even staying away from you.

2 So You Don't Get Hate

Honestly, what's the point of hating and getting hated? Life's too short for those kinds of things. We should at least try to love and try to earn love through a little hard work.

I will have a good reputation in the future because I have been nice to others at Vine Middle School.

3 So It Can Help You Learn More

I've had to learn a lot about life, and there's probably more I need to know in the future. I still don't know many of the things I need to, but I have a reputation for trying my best to learn them quickly. I should at least be fortunate enough that I live in the age of the internet where people are learning things faster than ever before.

4 So You Always Keep an Open Mind

Speaking of open minds, I wonder what I've done differently to not be completely hated. I like many things people on this site hate, embrace several hated subcultures, and don't care about several things that are loved on this site.

It's really important to keep an open mind because you could learn new ideas that might help you in life. Always keep an open mind so that you can succeed in life.

5 So You Don't Make More Mistakes in the Future

You really don't want to make more mistakes in the future, trust me. As a visitor, I made a ton of mistakes, but I've learned from them and I try not to make them again. I try to forget the things I did in the past, but I never forget what they taught me.

6 So You Don't Get Yourself in Trouble

You really don't want to get yourself into trouble because trouble leads to consequences. This is especially true if you've committed a serious crime like murder or shoplifting.

7 So You Mature More

Maturity is one of the most important things a human being should have. Maturity helps you become more adult and always remember how life really works.

8 So It Can Help You Remember the Things You Need to Know

I always remember the most important things I need to know just to protect my reputation. You should too if you want to maintain a good reputation yourself.

9 So More People Will Respect You

I try to earn respect by having the best reputation possible. You should too if you want more people to respect you. It'll have people think that you've finally improved and are ready to face certain challenges in life.

10 So You're Nicer to People

How would you like it if someone else was rude to you? It doesn't feel good, does it? I try to be as nice as possible because I don't want others being rude to me back.

The Contenders
11 So You Don't Become Self-Conscious
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