Top 10 Reasons Why Imagine Dragons are Hated

well i love imagine dragons, they are my favourite band and i have nothing wrong against them but i see people saying, oh they are a peice of crap band they should've never started music to begin with. here are ten reasons why i think they are hated for
The Top Ten
1 Their song "Radioactive" is way too overplayed and overrated
2 They think they're a rock band but they are electro garbage

They don't think they are a rock band they said themselves that they aren't really a rock band. I think the issue is more that their fans think they are rock.

3 "Imagine Dragons" is a terrible band name
4 They are taking over the rock radio even though they are not rock
5 They are not rock
6 They are not talented

They are so talented!

7 They are too generic
8 They sold out to make more radio-friendly music
9 People say Nickelback is better than Imagine Dragons

Trust me its true

10 Their lyrics have no meaning
The Contenders
11 Their music videos are bad
12 They change their style every album

To me that's a good thing.

13 They do nothing to experiment with their sound
14 Their lyrics can be corny and cringey
15 Their songs are always in movie soundtracks and trailers
16 Dan Reynolds can sing the right notes live
17 They're ruining rock
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