Top 10 Reasons Why Jerry Mouse from Tom and Jerry Can Beat Goku

The Top Ten
1 Jerry can use his cheeky abilities to fight Goku

Jerry is more popular than Goku you know, and if you said that to him in real life, you would be dead in a short period of time.

Who ever made this list obviously saw the list "Top ten reasons why Ed from Ed edd n eddy could beat Goku," in reality Jerry doesn't stand a chance

2 Jerry once fell from a high height and was just fine, Goku was injured from a similar fall

Have you seen DRAGON BALL! During the tournaments Goku fell from AT LEAST 300 feet in the air. Then he got up without scratch on him.

3 Jerry can grab the animation pencil and erase Goku
4 Jerry can get all his friends to help him

Ok however goku can call zeno... and beerus can use hakai if jerry jets help so does goku

5 Jerry can breathe in space
6 Jerry can get Tom to come out and fight Goku too
7 Using a time-travelling device, Jerry can go back in time and destroy Goku as a baby
8 Jerry can get help from other cartoon characters that are mice to fight Goku
9 Jerry can throw large chunks of cheese at Goku
10 Goku would hug Jerry for being cute and then Jerry can injure him
The Contenders
11 Jerry can tell Goku he's smarter and more popular
12 Jerry can beat Goku with a mallet
13 Jerry can use the ring from Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring and use it's magic on Goku
14 Jerry can use the ring to drain Goku's muscles
15 Jerry can get Rarity (MLP) as his girlfriend so she can help him fight Goku
16 Jerry can get his dark side to attack Goku
17 Jerry can use the magic ring to give himself strong muscles like Goku's
18 Jerry can bite Goku's foot
19 Jerry can pull out an Uno reverse card when Goku fires his kamehameha
20 Jerry can summon dead memes to help him
21 Jerry is faster than Goku
22 Jerry is a better protagonist than Goku
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