Top Ten Reasons Why Jesus Christ is the Son of God

This list is used to give reasons Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Feel free to disagree with me and maybe start a debate in the comments. Just don't say anything vulgar, because everybody has their opinion on religion.
The Top Ten
1 He fulfilled prophecy in the Old Testament

You really need to grow up you acting immature prancing around your style of religion it's ridiculous OK what do you expect it's the internet yet I sense very severe consequences by that type of strong belief you're not going to survive out here longer so yes just get mature fanatic- Kevinsidis

Ok fine! Don't expect me to care for you and I'll unfollow because of your ridiculously religious views and as I say before just be mature and respect his opinions OK Also I'M an atheist not because of science I did when I became an agnostic you don't want to know- Kevinsidis

Jesus fulfilled a whole lot of Prophecies. It can't be a coincidence.

Some about in Heaven if Jesus and God are the same how can they both be there.

2 God said he is

Jesus is the son of God that will live on for all eternity. Jesus is our only Lord and Saviour that has defeated death and rose again on the 3rd day.

This is true because Jesus is our true Lord & Savour!

God is pure blameless and fully perfect!

God specifically says in Matthew 3 he is.

3 He was sinless

I have afraid for fault of my, and my stupid sins! but Jesus Christ, really inspires me to be good!

Jesus did NOT sin, NOT even one bit. He is a very good role model to us.

Jesus lived a perfect life.

4 His miracles

His miracles are his God powers - Cures for the diseases touching a person, walking on water, feeding 5000, turning water into wine.

Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine. Jesus also preformed other miracles.

Jesus is miracle working God. And always will be.

5 Death, burial, and resurrection

probably he was crucified almost 2,000 years ago and he became a king of heaven. normally I don't watch devil stuff in school but mr incredible becoming uncanny has no devil in it and I don't get scared watching it.

Actually, I think he died, but then his corpse was abducted by extraterrestrials because he was actually part alien. Then he was resurrected using technology inside the ship. Call me crazy, call me ignorant, it’s what I believe in and you have no right to judge me.

He was killed, buried, then resurrected then ascended again.

Also he's coming back again to judge all of us according to their deeds! life with him!

6 Others bear witness

I believe that Jesus is the king of all kings, the lord of all lords and the prince of peace. Mary was the first to witness that Jesus had rose from the dead on the 3rd day.

Eyewitness accounts to be exact.

7 His virgin birth

Neither St. Joseph, nor any other man was Our Lord's biological father, because Our Lord was Conceived By the Holy Spirit.

Christ Had no biological father. He Was Conceived By the Holy Spirit.

That's how he is the son of God, a virgin birth.

8 Jesus said he was

So true! The Jews wanted to stone Him twice because of this.

9 He died for the Sins of Humanity

I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior because he took the sacrifice for all of out sins by dying on the calvary cross and rose again on the 3rd day. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life that lives on by faith and not by side. Everyone's lives deserve to be saved by the one and only Jesus before it is too late. If anyone needs Jesus in their lives repent, accept Jesus into your heart, receive the holy spirit, get baptised in Jesus name and never turn away from Jesus. JESUS is the best! May Jesus bless each and everyone of you! Amen!

Whether you're a Christian or not, you still need Jesus in your life!

Calvinwilkerson You either need Jesus in your life or don't bother going to Heaven!

If it weren't for JESUS, we wouldn't be alive!

10 He is one of only 3 people to never die

Jesus will NEVER DIE, he will live on. One day, his people with live on with him for all eternity.

The Contenders
11 He is literally present in the bread and wine of the Eucharist
12 He rose

And he will rise again

13 He sits at the right hand of God the father
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