Top Ten Reasons Why Justin Bieber Is Better Than Gravity Falls

The Top Ten
1 Justin is hot, Dipper is not

Dipper is better than Justin Bieber, I have a middle school classmate who only watches the intro of gravity falls, it's Keyran James Peters. he breaks his own ipad if the internet is not working, I remember that he had broken other few ipads. it will cost lot of money it get it repaired and fixed so he'll no longer be able to have his ipad until further notice.

I've seen this person's list and profiles, and you VERY VERY serious help! Fans like you are one of the main reasons why Justin is the worst singer of ALL TIME! You and him with his fans should die in a fire. Amanda, NOBODY agrees with you on these god awful lists. EVERYTHING is better than a girly voiced bad pop singer. I literally go to school and use his music to torture other people to death, and it works perfectly. All you obviously care about are his looks, and while he spits at your face like all his other fans. He once almost killed a baby while driving high! God, Justin's fans make me sick. And YOU Amanda are completely proving my point.

2 Dipper can't sing

Yes. Because we ALL know how much this show revalves around singing. The original title for the show was actually gravity falls the musical. USE YOUR HEAD! IT'S NOT ABOUT SINGING!

Brah. Who gives if Dipper can't sing, he's a god compared to Justin Loser. And this isn't even an opinion list, it's dumb and inaccurate, same with the other why Justin is better than ___

Dipper doesn't need to sing to be liked, He can focus on important stuff like saving the town. This list is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

Wow is she really this desparate. PS I've looked through her comments and apparently her most liked comment is 9 dislikes. I'm not joking. Also unlike Justin Dipper has a life. OHH!

3 Mabel is annoying

Literally stop. I know I'm feeding the troll but the minute you touch my fandoms... JUST WHAT IS THIS LIST? I cant even put into words how much I love gravity falls and how much I cannot stand you right now! These things are not even comparable! One being good, the other not! Get some taste in shows, or get some taste in music!

Mabel pines is not annoying, she is trying to get people to talk to each other, she is a fun and active character also, everyone loves Mabel because of her act. Also, JustinBIEBERLOVER she is not the annoying one. Justin Bieber IS THE ANNOYING one so, you got it all wrong

Justin Bieber Is A Thousand Times More Annoying Than Mabel Will Ever Be, So I Have No Idea What You're Talking About.

Justin Bieber is annoying, not Mabel Pines. At least Mabel is fun and not unbearable. Justin Bieber has unbearable music-AnimeDrawer85

4 Mysteries are boring

Let me tell you story.

Once upon a time, about 30 years ago someone wanted to create a more efficient way to communicate with others. But how? That was the mystery. Then they came up the the fantastic idea to use computers to do it and thus the Internet was born. And many years later a young boy by the name of Justin Beiber became famous off of the Internet. Therefore without mysteries, Justin Beiber would've never been famous.

I can see how you think using your brain to illiminate the factors and figure out huge mysteries that help the viewer ingage with the show is boring. But you can keep to yourself while I watch it can't you? Go ahead and keep banging your head wih the one of a kind Justin Bieber hammer you found while I watch Gravity falls. Listen, I like Justin Bieber a lot, but don't suddenly pick out little unimportant details about the show just to make it seem bad.

Mysteries are better than terrible singing. If Gravity Falls took over the world then I would be quite happy, but if JB did I would want to be eaten by a tiger.

Gravity Falls Never Even Came Close To Being Boring! So This Item Along With All The Other Items On This List Is Invalid!

5 Gravity Falls has too much romance drama

This is one of the dumbest lists I've ever read in entire life. And I'm not even a fan of the show. But I don't see how JB is any better. I can't even remember the other dumb lists besides this one that I've read except for the infamous "Top Ten Reasons Why Adventure Time Is Better Than Ebola". Although I've seen some REALLY BAD versions of the Best/Worst Disney Movies on IMDb. But I have to agree with every comment on this list. ALL the reasons on it are just the opposite of the common opinion and/truth. This and the Top Ten Reasons Why Adventure Time Is Better Than Ebola are two of the all-time WORST lists on this site, along with others like "Top 10 Reasons Why Frozen Is Awful" and "Top Ten Reasons Why Fanboy and Chum Chum Is Better Than Sanjay and Craig". What's next? "Top 10 Reasons Why Sanjay and Craig Is Better Than The Fox and the Hound"? "Top 10 Reasons Why The Lion King Is Worse Than Breadwinners"? I've said it before and ...more

Please! Your just trying to come up with some things to nag on about this show now! I've read the other ones you put on your list. It's like your TRYING to troll this show. Seriously, your finding the simplest things and being all like "See! Jb's so much better than this show! " When I read the stuff on this list it's like your scrapping up tiny things! Your just TRYING to find SOMETHING bad that you could really point out to other people that they would actaully be like she's right! No! Come back when you've actually watched the show for real instead of cracking jokes about how lame your friends/ family are if they bother to watch it.

Seriously, The only romance drama was with Dipper and Wendy and Mabel's Boyfriends (some of Which turned out to be weirdos). This list is worse than " Top Ten reasons why Justin Bieber is Better than The Beatles" (also by JBL)

Derp. You are one of the stupidest cases of bubonic plague I have ever seen.

Gravity falls DOESN'T have enough romance drama.

Justin Beiber only writes songs about romance, who's got to much romance drama now?

6 Gravity Falls is over, but Justin is still making songs

It's true. Also, I hate Gravity Falls, one reason is that the theme song sucks, and another is that my brother is absolutely obsessed with this boring show. Yes, the creators of girlfriend did the right thing.

Does that even matter? Justin's songs are disgustingly horrifying! Gravity Falls is god compared to Justin.

Here is something the two have in common: they both don’t know when to stop. Except, gravity falls should have never stopped, and Justin Bieber should have been done a long time ago.

7 The show is for babies

"For babies". So you mean this show is for babies, huh? Well, have you ever seen a baby show that has horrifying paranormal creatures in it. There's one episode (Northwest Mansion Mystery) that has a scene where the animal heads are leaking BLOOD!

Let's not forget about BILL CIPHER, in one scene in the episodes of the show, Bill meets Dipper again in his dream and then gives him a disembodied head to him as a "prize".

"I've got the kids! I think I'm gonna KILL one of them just for the HECK of it." This is a line spoken by Bill Cipher in the series finale when he captured Dipper and Mabel.

Also, try watching "Disturbing Scenes in Gravity Falls" on YouTube.

Justin Bieber sang a song called "Baby".

Get you're facts straight. The cartoon gets darker and darker every episode.

Stan has fully clothed woman mags. Dipper looks up creepy things on the Internet. So is took his shirt of next to Stan. Stan wants to flip of people love potion I'm alone I can swear for real SOM OF A -- blood dripped from animal heads and turns people to wood. That's the first half of the second season. FOR KIDS. lol. You stupid.

Pug Trafficking= Drug Trafficking Reference
"Let's teach kids swears! "- Grunkle Stan= NOT FOR BABIES OR ANY TODDLER

Thank you.

P.S I bet the stupid person who made this list really loves Gravity Falls, otherwise why would she know all this stuff about the show?

"the show is 4 babyz derpz! 11111111111111111"

That's what you sound like to me. Please, I haven't even watched the show that much and even I know that it isn't for babies. Look at the rating and maybe watch an episode or two and you'll see what I mean.

8 Gravity Falls is not kid friendly cartoon

So you just said that it was for babies you idiot! And JB is for 10 year olds that have nothing better to do with their lives. JB shouldn't be here anymore because of the things he's done! Stop being a retard and get your head out of your ass.

Come on, we all know the creator of this list didn't write that, someone else did. Whoever put this at 11 wanted to say that the reason "gravity falls is for babies is wrong."

So... It's for babies, but it's not kid friendly?

Friendly reminder that Justin Bratty Bieber pees in buckets.

9 More people like Justin

Actually, Beliebers are becoming an endangered species. But I like Gravity Falls because it's Disney. Is Justin Bieber even IN anything Disney? I hope not. Disney is too good for him. Beware, Justin Bieber enthusiast who created this list. Pretty much everyone on TheTopTens is in on hating Justin Bieber. It is what brings us all together.

Your Actually The First Person I Ever Met Who Actually Likes Him, And That's Pretty Impressive, Because He Is Possibly The Most Hated Character Of All-Time Next To Princess Peach From Super Mario Bros.

So your saying, that if more people like something than other people, that we should go along with it? Why don't you go back to your cloning pod and call it a day.

Look at the top ten WORST people and WORST singers lists and you'll find Justin at number 1! Look at the top ten BEST cartoons and you'll find Gravity Falls at 9!

10 Gravity Falls is disgusting

Who wants to watch a show where people chew with their mouth open? That is NOT, I REPEAT NOT Disney!

Well I recently watched the "Sorry" music video. Yeah gravity falls is not disgusting.

Chewing with a mouth open? Woow! That's your reason! You wanna a know something disgusting, how Justin dresses!

Yeah and spitting on your fans isn't?

The Contenders
11 The characters are horrible but Justin is smart, caring, and funny

Justin has been to prison more than twice, and bailed on one of his performances because he got annoyed at his fans. And if he were actually caring, he would actually deliver good music sang by himself

Please, god I hope this list is supposed to be a joke, because it is literally the DUMBEST thing I have ever read in my entire life. JB is one of the most messed up and thoughtless singers out their.

Whoever put this on the list needs a reality check. The characters are awesome while Justin curses at people, does drugs, and lees in buckets.

12 Soos is fat

So... What your saying is that the story plot, the other characters, the mystery and ALL the comedy in this AMAZING show is destroyed because of some guys diet?! (I have a fanfiction about this called ask or dare pacifica. Reached 10k readers. Stop trolling other things like that. Listen, I personally really LIKE Justin Bieber A LOT. But just by the making this list makes me dislike him a little. Just because your taking a guy I like and bashing my favorite thing in the world.)

Seriously? You have the mindset of a 15-year-old girl, who dosen't know anything about the REAL world. You act like no one is allowed to be short, fat, or ugly. Lots of people are fat. How is that bad?

Fat? Define fat to me. I would tell you why I like Soos and you would say that he is fat? Sorry but that wouldn't stop me from liking him.

Saying that will make people mad. That is like me saying Bieber is gay. It may or may not make people mad but it is true

13 Stan Has Gone to Jail 5 Times. But Justin Has Only Gone to Jail 4 times

Stan has committed crimes in pursuit of gaining money, since he had no other options after being kicked to the curb by his own family and living on the streets. Justin, on the other hand, had millions of dollars and commits crimes out of sheer stupidity.

Stan is a criminal in a good way. I know, that sounds weird, but Stan wouldn't curse out this great neice and nephew, not to mention his workers.

This list is just pure and amazing fantasies about justin bieber

Yeah, he only went four times. That is NO BIG DEAL. (Obvious sarcasm)

14 Ford is creepy
15 Gravity Falls ripped off Stranger Things

That bs. The first season of Stranger Things came out in 2016, the first season of Gravity Falls came out in 2012. Do your research, would ya.

16 Justin Bieber has a bigger fandom than Gravity Falls.

He did, before Gravity Falls really took off. Now Beliebers are almost extinct (I don't anyone who remotely likes him) and even though gravity falls is over, it still has a huge fandom, like Invader Zim or Ed Edd n Eddy.

What?! No he doesn't!

17 Justin Bieber came first

Hitler came before JB, so by your definition, Hitler is better than him.

18 Justin Bieber exists in real life while the Gravity Falls characters don't
19 Justin Bieber isn't boring
20 Justin Bieber's smart
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