Top Ten Reasons Why Kids Have It Easier Than Adults

The Top Ten
1 Adults worry about providing for families when kids don’t have to do that

All some kids ever have to do is write on some paper and do a few chores, yet a lot of them act like they’re superior and they have it the hardest when they don’t even have it close to the hardest.

2 Kids can get away with being dumb and silly, adults can’t really do that

This is due to the fact that adults have more responsibilities, worries, and work than kids do

My cousin once rode a coin operated horse and put his hand up and my relatives all admired it but when I did THE EXACT SAME THING they all teased me for being immature >:(

I feel like this is stereo typing towards adults.

Not older kids

3 Adults have to pay taxes and bills, kids get easier work and free time

Paying your bills and taxes, there are many homeless adults around streets. All that is harder than your homework. You still get more free time -- school holidays.

That's why I hate when kids say that adults are stupid! Good list by the way.

School and homework is NOT easy and it takes up a lot of our free time!

4 Kids have someone to go to for help, adults are kind of on their own

Not normally- Unnamed Google User Remade

5 When kids do bad things at school, they can’t get thrown out so easily unlike adults with their jobs
6 Adults are expected to be mature and perfect, when kids can be more immature and silly

My parents force me to act my age cause I'm 26. I just wanna have fun...

7 When kids get sick, they have their parents to help. When adults get sick, they have to deal with it.

I live with parents because of my epileptic seizures.
I'm an adult!

8 When kids play with dolls it’s fun and cute. When adults do it, it’s considered weird

A lot probably don't care though

9 Adults have to worry about their families, jobs, and themselves. Kids only have to worry about themselves mainly
10 Kids grow, so they can eat more junk than adults since adults have stopped growing a lot
The Contenders
11 Adults have to worry about more schedules

Kids only have to worry about their own life whereas adults have to worry about their life plus their kids schedules

12 Adults have to monitor the food that they eat, while kids can eat whatever they want whenever they want

Sadly that was the past before video games and computers took over kids lives. I was a child in the 90s I used to eat chocolate and whatever but also healthy food but I was not overweight when I was a little kid.

Eg. Dessert. Kids can constantly eat them whenever they want without worrying about getting diabetes while adults are more health conscious.

No that's not true

13 Kids don’t have to do household chores all day while adults do

When I was a little kid I used to help my my Mummy with chores around the House.

14 Detention is not as scary as being fired
15 Life feels longer as a kid, adult life feels shorter
16 Birthdays are more fun
17 Adulthood can be boring, childhood can be more fun
18 Kids go to playground, adults go to the gym
19 School is easier than finding a job and working
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