Top Ten Reasons Why Kids Should Appreciate Their Parents

The Top Ten
1 Parents work to support themselves and their kids
2 Parents raise and teach their kids to be responsible adults in the future
3 Parents take kids to school so that they’re not dumb
4 Parents make sure their kids are okay, asking them about their day
5 Parents constantly worry about their kids, whether they’re fine or not
6 Parents understand kids and their emotions since they were their age too
7 Parents give kids gifts and surprises for being good, to encourage them to be good always
8 Parents take on all the stress and work for their kids so that they don’t have to worry
9 Kids wouldn’t be alive without their parents

The best reason, really.

10 Parents always make sure their kids are having fun at parties, gatherings, etc
The Contenders
11 Parents have to worry about everything, but they still make time for their kids
12 Some kids have no parents at all
13 Parents give their kids a roof over their heads and food to eat
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