Reasons Why The Lion King Remake Will Suck

The Top Ten
1 It's likely a shot-by-shot copy

This is the Psycho of unnecessary remakes!

2 It's an obvious cash grab
3 The uncanny valley animal animations are very creepy and disgusting to look at
4 Significantly worse animation than the original
5 Since It's live action, there's no humans communicating around
6 Expressions are lacking in the remake
7 Poor casting

Why on earth is Seth Rogen in the Lion King remake?

8 Art direction and color are lacking to the original
9 The original already sucked

Spotted the butthurt Kimba The White Lion fanbrat! No wonder why Tezuka's stuff doesn't get released in the States anymore.

10 Lack of cuteness to the original
The Contenders
11 There's a lack of connection within the audience
12 No Jeremy Irons
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