Top Ten Reasons Why the List "Reasons Why SpongeBob Is Better Than Arthur" Is Inaccurate

The Top Ten
1 Spongebob went downhill. Arthur didn't

Actually, Arthur did, when it became flash animated, then the characters' personalities changed and they act stupid now, and the plot became repetitive, it's not good anymore.

It was either because it was never good like Goatworlds said or because it just flat out canceled

The only reason it didn't go downhill is because it was never good! HAHA! >

And Arthur just planned canceled also

2 Arthur is actually memorable

No it's not,I forgot about Arthur the day after I watched it,

3 D.W. is smarter than Patrick

Since when does being smarter make you worse? If you think that it does, you're sadly mistaken. Intelligence helps you get through life whereas ignorance endangers life.

Now D.W. maybe a jerk at times. But Patrick's a much bigger jerk than her due to his extreme insensitivity and inconsideration. Hell, he could lead you to your doom if you follow him.

Me scrolling through list: no spongebob is better...saw this:LOL never thought of that!

But D.W is worse and Spongebob is smarter than D.W

Smarter isn't bad, but SpongeBob> arthur

4 Arthur is mature

The one who said that mature people suck is a liar. Being immature sucks and being mature is awesome.

Man miture people suck,and that's why I always was a fan of Patrick star

I like boring stuff, Nate.

5 Seasons Six and Seven of Spongebob are bad

I though we're giving Arthur the bad side!

6 Buster isn't annoying

But Gary is better

7 The characters of Arthur have a lot of depth and they're likeable

They like SpongeBob more,Arthur does nothing but smarts,and SpongeBob is very random,which is entertaining

8 It doesn't teach kids to argue and be mean

What's wrong with being a nerd, Nateawesomeness? Without nerds, Earth will still be stuck either in the Middle Ages or ancient times. Hell, you won't be able to do well in life without nerds and if all you care about is having fun.

If I didn't no better, I'd say that you're one of those jocks or other bullies who pick on nerds for fun. Well, how would you like it if you're a nerd and you get picked on because of it?

I have a piece of advice that I found the Web. And that advice for you is this:

"Be nice to nerds because you could end up working them one day."

9 SpongeBob was good when it was the first three seasons

No it wasn't people need to change and understand that not everything has to be like olden times. Even the computer/tablet/phone you are writing on had required someone to change, big time. So next time you say only the first three seasons are good, go on YouTube, Netflix or whatever and try to watch the newer episodes, and maybe you'll see that not everything old is good and that not everthing new is bad. Plus, I don't know about you, but I'd rather watch the newer graphics than some of the less good graphics.

Spongebob has always been a good cartoon. He's always the same wonderful, creative, friendly, and insperational person. I may be an adult, but I grew up watching spongebob. An he taught me to be happy with life no matter how bad of a time your going through. There's always happiness from him to go around. He makes babies, kids, teens, & adults laugh. If you think Arthur entertains a baby or a teen you have to be a barnacle head.

True, a lot of the new episodes are bad. They are going uphill again, luckily!

Arthur's boring altogether, SpongeBob's awesome.

10 It's actually watchable

It Was until the flash animation version started, and at the same time, the characters started acting stupid and the plot became repetitive.

No it's not. Never was, even when I was in my mom's stomach before I was born she put that on. An I was like "no, just, no".

The Contenders
11 Girls think Spongebob is BOYS ONLY!

Only boys seem to like SpongeBob, anyone could be like Arthur, boy OR girl!

I love Arthur. SpongeBob is for idiots and SpongeBob is so cringey

Anyone can love any non evil show.

Arthur is for idiots!

12 Arthur is educational
13 Arthur helps kids get ready for school.
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