Top Ten Reasons Why MainstreamWildhawk is Better Than MattyBRaps

best comparison list of 2022 so far i r8 dank grove 4 life
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The Top Ten
1 MainstreamWildhawk doesn't wear oversized baseball caps

I'm an aborted fetus and I can rap better than him.

That long visitor comment was me.

I can't even

Lol! Funny!

2 MainstreamWildhawk knows it's just a prank bro


I really wanna quote that video now but I fear my comment would get deleted.

Well, has MattyB seen this?

IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO-KyokoKuchisakeSuccubi

3 MainstreamWildhawk has worked with Michael Bay

Gluga: the Movie may have been a box office flop, but MattyB don't even have a movie.

4 MainstreamWildhawk has a full set of teeth

Unlike MattyBBraces.

5 MainstreamWildhawk has worked with Derek Savage before

Gun Safety for women (and men too) may have been a box office flop, but MattyB doesn't even have a movie.

The guy who screwed over IHE?

6 MainstreamWildhawk has less nonce points than MattyB
7 MainstreamWildhawk won more on Deal or no Deal

That's because MainstreanWildhawk knows how to use the laws of probability to his advantage. That, and he bribed them.

8 MattyBRaps needs to get back in the kitchen

"Get back in the kitchen" awesome phrase

Go make some more caps, son.

9 MainstreamWildhawk doesn't wear fake kicks
10 MainstreamWildhawk doesn't lose to Midtyland on the first leg of their Europa League semi final after already dropping out of a mediocre Champions League group they only got into because of qualifiers, sending fans into a desperate search of answers