Top Ten Reasons Why Memes Aren't Funny

I know my name is a meme :3 But, I think my meme is funny but, this list is talking about donald trump memes and doge memes all that dumb stuff.
The Top Ten
1 They're overused by children

I agree with you 100%. There is this one kid at my school who so obsessed with 'derps' and doges. It isn't even funny anymore. Take a look at his notebook. Every page has drawings and he barely does anything else but find excuses to draw and talk with other people. If you mention -or call someone a derp- he will make a joke out of it in a squeaky voice. It isn't cool. More as pathetic.

Some memes are funny but caption memes and stuff like that are not funny anymore they just got old but I do like dog and cat memes but most picture memes don't even make sense with what the caption is saying like the Willy Wonka memes most of the time.

Yeah, the "Troll Face" has been beaten like a dead horse inside a car driving in a never ending circle.

It's hard to to find a kid who isn't saying something like MLG Cailliou or "smoke weed every day". Plus all the MLG videos are is just unfunny profanity.

2 Poorly thought out

Not every one's a comedian, humour is actually not that simple, and memes are here to prove both these points. They're just lazy, immature insider jokes "written" by the cohorts of idiots on the internet (that generaly also aren't funny IRL, hence the unsanitary time they spent locked up in their basements gradually building up bitterness and despair rotting away on idiotic message boards), that aren't even funny when you are in on the context.

Imagine the most ridiculous movie worser then the Emoji movie.
The meme movie.

3 Spamming the internet

Some memes are funny, but when you see them in the comment section of every single Youtube video, it quickly becomes very annoying.
For example, I recently watched the music video Wham! 's Wake Me Up Before You Go. In the comment section, there is a huge amount of people (probably children, most of them) *spoilers* making suicidal jokes referencing DDLC (i.e. RIP Sayori). I mean, like really?
It didn't help that George Michael had just passed away.

They're found a lot, but if you don't want see then don't watch it.

4 Making things look like a joke

Because they are meant to be jokes!

That's the whole goddamn point.

5 55% of memes don't make sense

What does "Damn Daniel" have to do with anything? A guy with not-so scabby clothing with a man going in a silly voice "Damn Daniel" what?

Agreed. If we see a current meme a few years from now we'd be questioning what it's about, or we just wouldn't think it's funny anymore.

Got that right! They almost never make any sense.

"That's why their funny"

I hear people say this

6 They have wikipedia pages
7 Over used by lazy teenagers
8 Makes Google look like a joke
9 Makes YouTube look like a joke

YouTube already went downhill before then...

10 They include subjects or matters that shouldn't be joked about

Examples: autism, cancer, suicide, etc.

You guys can't take jokes can you?

The Contenders
11 Many of the memes now are about Donald Trump

Donald Trump sucks but his memes just why?

12 They're stupid

Exactly. I saw one that said Not British if you didn't watch Balamory. Wrong some people where not toddlers where older than 1-6 years of age in the early 21st century when the show aired.

13 Bad grammar (Spoderman, Dolan etc)

Ah the internet the one place to attack people over the way they type because they can't see them. Oh and I hate memes and would dread a movie. 0 stars

That's put on there on purpose so you can laugh even harder.

14 They're unoriginal

80% of memes just rip off other jokes and add a picture. whenever my younger friends show me memes there's a high chance I saw it already on another website with a slightly altered caption. search up any meme on the internet, you'll see at least 4 "different" versions that just change a word or phrase.

15 They get shoved in your face
16 Using the word "cancer" as an insult.

Diseases should not be used as insults

17 They aren't real jokes, just rip-offs from unfunny sources
18 Humor nowadays is screwed up

Most meme humour is just childish really. When they get abused for joking about things that are really no laughing matter, ignorant 'safe' in their anonymity online or naive kids who don't realize how they make others feel are almost always responsible. Good humour still goes around nowadays, you just need to look much further than the sea of mass-produced immaturity that is memes to find it.

19 They're immature

Most memes are completely devoid of humour that's even remotely clever. Just grab anything silly and random off the internet, maybe add a weed reference or two, and boom, you've just made a meme.

20 They die once they start

When a meme goes viral it does it so quickly that it is over with in a week or less. EVERYBODY posts that meme regardless of whether it's funny. It might of been funny the first time but then it gets passed around every meme page sometimes multiple times. If it's particularly "trendy" it often sticks around for years.

Funny for the first few times but they get old real quick.

21 Some are ghetto
22 They involve swearing

Most of them do. Don't even look up the kids show memes. If you do, you'll see the most profane, racist, most inappropriate language you will ever come across. You will never see your childhood shows the same way ever again.

Oh boo hoo, some random thing has swearing. Worse than Hitler and Stalin

23 They aren't even funny.
24 Some are mean spirited

Look up Amanda Todd memes and you'll see what I mean. (no pun intended)

25 Willy Wonka is in nearly all of them.

Well sorry but if you went on google images you would find him.

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