Top Ten Reasons Why Metalheads Should Keep Their Opinions to Themselves and Shouldn't Share It with Anybody

The Top Ten
1 They hate pop music so much and it becomes annoying

What lies! I'm a metalhead and I listen to most old pop, dream pop, art pop and indie pop. I hate almost all mainstream pop except Adele, some new Lady Gaga songs and Pink. I also listen to power pop and jangle pop. Some pop artists I listen to are:
Kate Bush
Michael Jackson
Marina and The Diamonds
Pet Shop Boys
Peter Gabriel
David Bowie

Well Look What I Found Here!, A Garbage List, I don't EVEN HATE ALL POP MUSIC!, I like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Bruno Mars, Adele, And Even Some Of Katy Berry's Work, What I DO Hate Is Garbage Pop Music Like *Cough Watch Me By Silento Cough*

So I like some pop songs and it also gets annoying when people like you make these kinds of lists

True.Metaalheads can share their opinions but they should stop disrespecting opinions of pop fans.Same goes for belibers and directioners but they should stop disrespecting opinions of rock fans.sincerely,an electronic music fan.-TheCoolGuy1

2 They won't shut up about metal and pop music

Some people tend to think there's pop and there's metal and there we reach the end.

Pop fans do the same thing in fact they do it more often

And pop fans, along with other genres' fans, won't

Quite sure that's you.

3 Their opinions are useless

I'm sorry um no opinion is useful.

Mine Is Actually Very Useful

4 Their opinions are annoying

Laugh out loud, all these idiotic pop fans give us crap yet call us Satanic for liking metal

So Pop fans opinions also get annoying so you shouldn't be talking

No such thing as an annoying opinion

Cough cough like yours COUGH!

5 Their opinion is so mean

Yeah right, it's just an opinion, no opinion is superior. You can't respect opinions according to this.

Opinions cannot be mean you might not necessarily agree with them but their still opinions.

Says any opinion could be considered mean not just metalheads opinions

How can an opinion be mean, Any explanation?

6 They are closed minded

Who is the close minded extremist who makes these awful lists?

So are Pop Extremist like you are

Kind of like you.

7 They hate pop fans

I hate the Extremist I don't hate casual pop fans who enjoy the music and don't complain about other peoples music taste

No I don't, I hate pop extremists their is a difference.

8 They don't want to listen to pop music

This is like a metalhead saying that they hate pop, country, jazz, or any other genres fans because they don't listen to metal. I have some friends that are pop fans, but I don't hate them because they don't listen to metal. It does not make sense to me how you can hate a group for not liking something. Even so, there are still many metalheads that listen to pop. A lot of these reasons are very hyprocritical and can be turned right back against you very quickly. Try not to be so dense.

I have actually I've listened to Michael Jackson, Prince, OneRepublic and Pharrell Williams.

Uh I like some Michael Jackson Whitney Houston and some Lady Gaga songs so this is false

I already said what pop music I like

9 They criticize pop fans because they like pop music

Pop fans can do the same thing. No one should be considered less important than someone because of opinions :/

No I criticize pop extremists for being immature and taking pop music too seriously.

Excuse me, but don't people who don't like metal criticize us?

And yet your critizing Metalheads for liking Metal man your such a hypocrite

10 They say a lot of mean things for people who don't like metal

Not In This Case, DCfnaf Likes Lots Of Hated Pop Artists Such As Meghan Trainor And Ariana Grande, And He doesn't Seem To Have A Problem With It

Uh I don't say anything mean I respect anyones musical taste regardless of what music genre they listen to

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