Reasons Why Music Was Better in 1973 Than It is Now

The Top Ten
1 It sounds better

You were born in the wrong generation, weren't you?

2 There was no Justin Bieber
3 Music was made by person, not a computer
4 70's music is catchy
5 There was no bad language in 70's music
6 Disco was in the 70s
7 A lot of today's music is about taking drugs
8 Music from 1973 sounds good in Cars from 1973

Music from 2016 sounds good in cars from 2016 and cars from 2016 are better than cars from 1973 so music from 2016 is also better. (I am kidding I know this is a dumb reason but this list is also stupid.)

9 2010s music is overrated
10 No Auto-Tune
The Contenders
11 Elvis Presley was still around for his fans
12 Better musicians

Infinity times better.

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