Top 10 Reasons Why Neo-Nazis are Better Than Social Justice Warriors

There are two groups of people that are pretty much hated on the internet. One over anti-Semitism and another because of spewing out tons of non-issues into the mainstream. So here are the reasons why Neo-Nazis are better than Social Justice Warriors, despite of both of the groups' infamous reputation.
The Top Ten
1 Neo-Nazis are stronger
2 Social Justice Warriors cry over words on a screen
3 Neo-Nazis are smarter
4 Social Justice Warriors cannot handle the internet

Because someone invented the slang "Social Justice Warriors" to ruin the internet to upset people who are different to them. You can't accept that not everyone is the same.
The internet is falling apart. No wonder people do digital detoxes.

They cannot handle the internet yet they complain on it 24/7. They are never happy with anything and the only thing they can do is make other people miserable so that they can get more people for their "army". It won't work with the likes of me.

5 Social Justice Warriors think there are more than 80 genders
6 Social Justice Warriors want words sugar coated for them
7 Neo-Nazis know how to survive the real world
8 Neo-Nazis don't get offended over anything

Neo-Nazis get offended by anything that doesn't compliment their narrative. Know what you're talking about before you make lists like this

Not true. They will get triggered if a black man and a white woman have a baby, becuase of "white genocide" something they created to mask their racism.

9 Social Justice Warriors think that the world revolves around them
10 Neo-Nazis can win wrestling fights
The Contenders
11 Neo-Nazis are better at memes

Are you serious?!

12 Neo-Nazis do not waste their time with genders studies
13 Neo-Nazis do not control the universities or society anymore
14 Neo-Nazis have fewer members
15 Neo-nazis are less hypocritical
16 Social Justice Warriors are Degenerates
17 Social Justice Warriors are Lolcows
18 Neo-Nazis do not waste their time with Critical Race Theory
19 Social Justice Warriors cannot handle social media
20 Social Justice Warriors cannot handle dark humor
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