Top Ten Reasons Why Nine Is Cooler Than Three, Four or Five

Not satisfied with 3, 4 or 5. 9 is better
9 is 3 squared.
The Top Ten
1 9 is 3 squared
2 If you choose a number and add the digits and it divides by 9 so will your original number
3 29 is 2 x 9 + 2 + 9 so does any other number ending in 9
4 The digit 9 is more popular than 7
5 9 is 6 upside down
6 9 is a factor of 111111111
7 In the 9 times table if you multiply a number by 9 the digits will add up to 9
8 If you touch your belly button with your head and sit on the floor your body has a 9 shape
9 You can turn upside down a lot of numbers where the digit is 9 (69, 96, 689, 6009, 906, 906689906, 60809)
10 9 is the most common digit on this list
The Contenders
11 The square root of 81 is 9
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