Reasons Why PlayStation 4 Is Better Than PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2 & PlayStation 3

There can only be one PlayStation console to rule them all & that is the PlayStation 4. If anyone has a reason, go ahead & add it to the list because I can only think of a few. I was thinking of only a few because I know nothing about PlayStation & I don't have one.
The Top Ten
1 It has better graphics
2 It has better controllers
3 It's part of the new generation

Wii you VS. Xbox One VS. PlayStation 4

It's just so awesome

4 Its new games are amazing
5 It's twice better than the PlayStation 2

Here's a math problem for you. PlayStation 2 times two equals PlayStation 4.

6 PlayStation Move for the PlayStation 3 is horrible
7 It's the PlayStation 4's turn to have the console spotlight
8 PlayStation 4 is outselling the Xbox One
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