Reasons Why Pop Music is Bad for Your Brain

I like the fact that you guys know Pop music is bad. But still, you're gonna need evidences. Luckily, scientists have successfully proven that Pop is bad for our BRAINS. Here are some of the evidences I've found from scientific experiments and from real life.
The Top Ten
1 It can brainwash you to like it, even if you hate it

This list is lame. There is no such thing as music with a cancer or a virus

2 It destroys your creativity

How? Please answer.

3 It disrupts studying and work performance

It hurts mine because, to me, it induces headaches that are far more distracting than what I am 'supposed' to be doing.

4 You can't stop listening to it. Thus, you'll forget to do things that are actually important

I honestly can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Pop song. I just don't care for it anymore.

I can listen to music and do homework at the same time easy, so it makes no difference.

5 You will be interested in inappropriate things such as drugs

This is one of the dumbest lists I've ever seen on this site. I've been listening to pop ever since I was little (i.e. Michael Jackson, yet he wasn't even a pop artist, he was R&B) and I think drugs are god damn disgusting, even smoking cigarettes, but I won't judge you if you do either.

There are songs about drugs in all genres!

It is a drug, it makes me physically feel like crap.
That isn't even a joke, it gives me headaches.

6 Pop stars endorse terrible, unhealthy products
7 You won't be able to control yourself

How? I have full authority over my own consciousness and body. What does pop music, or any music genre in general, have to do with that?

True. If you give me a wig of Gaga, YAS!

8 It will make you act stupid
9 You never think about global issues such as equality, world peace, etc

There are tons of music artists in all genres that make music on this subject. You're literally just making stuff up.

10 You will end up using the computer instead of real musical instruments

Jeez this sounds a lot like the digital art vs traditional art argument but with music and let me just say from my experience with those, to create good digital art, you need to put in as much effort as good traditional art. I am assuming it would be the same for music using instruments and electronic music

You CANNOT seriously compare controlling electronics to actually MAKING music by virtue of mastering INSTRUMENTS. I'm no fan of metal (or pop), but this argument about equivalency between real and fake music is tired and ridiculous.

This is and always will be the weakest complaint against electronic music. That's like saying I'm a hypocrite because I like cooking my popcorn in the microwave instead of going out and cooking popcorn over a campfire.

From experience, I can say that using DAWs is much harder than actually playing an instrument.

The Contenders
11 You will only think about pop stars instead of people that are really important to you
12 It's pointless
13 It's senseless
14 Always about the same thing or always autotuned.
15 Does not mean anything to people
16 It gives you suicidal tendencies
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