Top Ten Reasons Why Religion is Pointless

The Top Ten
1 There is no solid evidence for any religion

There is no solid evidence for any popular "science" purporting to explain the origins of the universe, life, life that reproduces itself, and most saliently, intelligent life that is self-replicating. Scientism is one of the most fanatical religions, ever.

"You gotta be kidding me! " While you may not worship science, and accept all its claims and premises with fanatical religious fervor, no matter how illogical, improbable and counterintuitive they may be, many others DO.

There is legit no proof of evolution. What caused that Big Bang? People say it is the start of the universe but it is really god. I mean come on it’s THE START of the universe. Nothing existed. So what caused the explosions. It HAS to be god, as he has been around forever

2 It often limits/discourages harmless behaviors (sex, homosexuality, contraceptives, etc)
3 It's not necessary to be moral

It actually is if you think about it. Without religion, people make up their own ideas and rules, therefore going into the immoral side. Why do you think people out there in the world get drunk, have sex, and go into unnatural things? It’s because they do whatever they want without proper morals to guide them from religion like Jehovah’s Witnesses

No "religious war." Merely a debate about logic, and the lack thereof. If someone wants to reject Aristotlean logic regarding causation, and argue for spontaneous generation...go for it.

4 It often promises a perfect afterlife, which can distract us from living this life to the fullest

Jehovah’s Witnesses do promise a new world in the future and a resurrection for the dead, which has evidence that it will come true. But the point is that Jehovah encourages us to make it through right now, with the new world in mind to keep us going. So this is more of a good thing, not a distraction

The concepts are not mutually exclusive, unless by "living this life to the fullest," you mean doing whatever the hell you want to do, no matter who or how many it harms.

Wiccan here, I don't believe in after-life like a Christian, Jew, Muslim.
I like to live this life to the fullest.

5 We shouldn't need to look to the supernatural for morality and answers, we need to decide things for ourselves as human beings

Actually, there is some sense in religion, and it is clear from the fact that some people consider it to be meaningful to them. So, at least for somebody, it has sense and value, which makes the wording "Top Ten Reasons Why Religion is Pointless" simply false. Nevertheless, I agree that there are some pointless arguments based on religious dogmas. For example, the claim that human morality needs a supernatural basis. If you eliminate religion, they say, people will have no reason to follow moral rules. In fact, our moral sense exists quite separately from religion, and people can elaborate the notions of right and wrong without guidance of religion (for example, using some form of utilitarian ethics or deontological one).

"That's ridiculous...Better systems like a democracy do not require religion either." The issue here is not that the tenets of any particular religion must be strictly followed in order to preserve liberty, but rather that, as history CLEARLY proves, tyranny results when people recognize no higher authority than man. As for democracy, that is NOT the system laid out in the US Constitution. It failed miserably in Athens, where it was born, and its illegitimate implementation is destroying America, politically and fiscally. Lenin said democracy was merely an interim step between capitalism and communism, and that scenario is being played out in the US. Before you declare something "ridiculous," you need to have some clue as to what you're talking about.

6 It often rejects some sciences (evolution, global warming, etc)

Again revert thing in science is not 100% proven because it's science! That's what it is! Theories! That's why we have a creation/evolution debate I support creation but I think both sides give good amount of evidence I've seen almost every evolution website and every creationist site. Both are persuasive, but people who just go with evolution are those who just want to not obey God even if they were brought up in a Christian home.

"Evolution is science, there is plenty of evidence." No, there isn't. The "fossil record" contains ZERO intermediate species. Can you use "evolution" to explain irreducible complexity? Do you even know what it is? Can you explain the genesis of sexual reproduction? As for "climate change," if you think it's legitimate science, you're ignoring a world of fact, and simply accepting propaganda, and THAT'S "ridiculous."

Which came first, the chicken, or the egg? Evolution is not science, as it simply doesn't work. Neither is anthropomorphic climate change (see: East Anglia scandal).

7 Any religion can be (and has been) taken too far

Well not all people take it to far. Yes some people do, but that is like saying people take the law to far by some people putting cruel unjust punishments. Does that mean the law is pointless?

8 Causes war

The Crusades were caused by religion. Even 9/11 and many attacks on Native Americans were caused by religion.

Might just be the opposite. Ever hear the expression, "There are no atheists in foxholes? "

Why does opinion in religion matter? This why I don't believe in humanity.

9 It's the only basis for opposing many social issues (Gay Marriage, Reproductive Rights, etc)

It most certainly is NOT the "only" reason. In fact, it's the least obvious one.

10 It encourages blind obedience

You are classically displaying blind obedience to dogma. You also are displaying severe lack of knowledge.
Irreducible complexity is NOT a "science," "pseudo" or otherwise. It is a FACT. Example: The tail of a flagellate (a sperm, for instance) is composed of about five parts. ALL parts must be present SIMULTANEOUSLY, or the structure will not function. Explain how such a structure could have "evolved." Explain why it SHOULD have evolved, when it served no purpose until complete and functional. And you appear to not understand the concept of micro evolution. It does NOT "create" new species. It results in MODIFICATION of existing species. And you are in serious error by citing such as Archaeopteryx and
Australopithecus as "intermediate" species. An intermediate species would be one proven to be precisely between the ones IMMEDIATELY before and after. NONE exist in the fossil record. Chicken and Egg is not some "fun thought experiment for grade school children" (smarminess does nothing to hide your lack of knowledge). It is a challenge to explain the "evolutionary" genesis of sexual reproduction (by all means, give it a shot). Paleoarcheology STILL cannot produce an "intermediate" species between Neanderthal and Cro Magnon, and that was only some 40,000 years ago. We're supposed to blindly buy what Darwinists claim regarding events millions and hundreds of millions of years ago? There's some ocean-front property in Arizona you'd doubtless love to buy.

The Contenders
11 Religions always judge you

And people should never make judgements because all ideas are equally valid, and all behaviors are just wonderful, right?

12 It creates unnecessary boundaries between people

Christians and Muslims will often mock "new age" religion, and vice versa. Many political fights and wars are fought over religion. Even something as simple as a friendship/relationship can be ruined because of religious differences

Well people are going to have opinions and different religions. You’re just going to have to deal with it, knowing that Jehovah will make you feel better

13 Most people (including theists) don't even want all religions to coexist
14 It's too controversial

I think that was really good it has helped me lea

Puts a lot of pressure on me

15 No evidence that a hell or a heaven exists
16 People die in the name of God
17 No evidence of a Devil or a God
18 It causes arguments
19 It causes relationship problems between loved ones
20 Religion is a choice
21 Nothing has revealed itself
22 The controversy with making fun of the religious
23 It's cruel
24 It's homophobic
25 Science will get us somewhere
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