Top 10 Reasons Why Rocket Power Sucks

The Top Ten
1 An unlikable protagonist

And this is why I had trouble reading The Tooniverse Emissary because the author, Finnjr63, treated Otto as his personal butt monkey because he doesn't like the show. So I decided not to read it at all.

Basically he is both a sore winner and a sore loser.

2 Ugly-looking animation
3 Painful attempts to look cool
4 The very premise of extreme sports
5 Otto's friends are irritating
6 Lars is a jerk with no excuse for it

At the very least, he usually is punished.

7 Otto seldom learns his lesson
8 Bad messages

One Christmas episode actually encourages giving dogs a vegetarian diet, which is dangerous.

9 It spawned an awful spiritual successor series, wild grinders
10 Embarrassing use of slang
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