Top 10 Reasons Why School Can Be Dangerous

The Top Ten
1 There Are Bullies

Ok, so I know school can be good for socializing, experiencing life, and getting to know what type of people you're gonna have to deal with in the future (if you get to meet those types again) but there is a lot of suicide s and attempts because of bullying. There are people who get depressed and self-harms and I'm sorry if it seems too harsh to say it but it's the truth. A lot of students even drop out because of this. It's just sad.

Everywhere is dangerous because I can choke on my spit and die to death.

2 Mean Teachers

Some teachers kick students, drag them, and one even punched a kid and broke his jaw.

Special ed teachers are even worse.

Hey, teacher! Leave them kids alone!

3 The Food Can Kill You

The food may be gross, but I don't think it can kill you.

My school melts plastic onto their mac&cheese.

4 It's Filthy

I have to agree with this one. The bathrooms are pretty bad.

5 The Coaches Almost Kill You
6 Food Fights
7 Students Are Mean
8 It Has Dangerous Floors
9 Evil Lunch Ladies
10 There Are Drugs
The Contenders
11 Someone Could Bring a Gun
12 Someone Could Bring a Knife

homeschool is safer than traditional school, homeschooling keeps everyone safe, traditional school is no different than being drafted for Afghanistan, traditional school has been dead since 9/11 & isn't worth it anyways. YouTube exists for a reason & might as well utilize YouTube as a school over traditional school
P.S. school is ground zero for Idiocracy

On april fools day somebody found a knife in there backpack

13 Cops
14 Ceiling Could Fall
15 It Reduces Available Time to Exercise

School is the reason I am obese.

Exercise is gay, it sucks

16 Some Teachers are Pedophiles
17 Very Loud Noises in Class that Can Hurt Your Ears
18 School Intruders
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