Top Ten Reasons Why Sonic X is Way Better Than Sonic Boom

A list of reasons why Sonic X is a much better Sonic cartoon than Sonic Boom.
The Top Ten
1 The only thing you can get out of Sonic Boom is a few laughs while Sonic X has more to offer
2 Sonic X portrays the characters a lot better

True. Sonic X was more faithful to the characterization of the characters from their video game counterparts. Especially since it adapted the Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 storylines.

3 Sonic X is a lot more memorable
4 Sonic X has better plots
5 Sonic X has a better voice cast especially the 4kids Dub
6 Sonic X has much better funny moments
7 Sonic X has better animation and design
8 Sonic X has better music
9 Sonic X has much better action
10 Sonic x is cooler
The Contenders
11 Sonic X tries to be good while Sonic Boom tries to be popular
12 Sonic X is cel animated
13 Sonic X created more memes
14 Better character development
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